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IotBleAdvertisementParams_t Struct Reference

Structure containing all advertisement parameters. More...

#include <iot_ble.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t appearance
uint32_t minInterval
uint32_t maxInterval
char * pManufacturerData
char * pServiceData
uint16_t manufacturerLen
uint16_t serviceDataLen
bool includeTxPower
BTGattAdvName_t name
bool setScanRsp

Detailed Description

Structure containing all advertisement parameters.

: The size of the advertisement message is limited, it is up to the application to make sure everything fits in the advertisement message. For example, with BT 5.0 spec, Advertising 2 UUID of 128 bits, will consume all the advertisement message space (32 bytes).
: Blocking API should not be called from a callback.

Field Documentation

◆ appearance

uint32_t IotBleAdvertisementParams_t::appearance


◆ minInterval

uint32_t IotBleAdvertisementParams_t::minInterval

Minimum connection interval. Set this to 0, to use BLE stack specific default values.

◆ maxInterval

uint32_t IotBleAdvertisementParams_t::maxInterval

Maximum connection interval. Set this to 0, to use BLE stack specific default values.

◆ pManufacturerData

char* IotBleAdvertisementParams_t::pManufacturerData

Manufacturer data

◆ pServiceData

char* IotBleAdvertisementParams_t::pServiceData

Service data

◆ pUUID1

BTUuid_t* IotBleAdvertisementParams_t::pUUID1

First UUID to advertise.

◆ pUUID2

BTUuid_t* IotBleAdvertisementParams_t::pUUID2

Second UUID to advertise.

◆ manufacturerLen

uint16_t IotBleAdvertisementParams_t::manufacturerLen

Length of manufacturer data.

◆ serviceDataLen

uint16_t IotBleAdvertisementParams_t::serviceDataLen

Service data length

◆ includeTxPower

bool IotBleAdvertisementParams_t::includeTxPower

Include Tx Power in advertisement message.

◆ name

BTGattAdvName_t IotBleAdvertisementParams_t::name

Specify wether to include short, complete or no name in advertisement message.

◆ setScanRsp

bool IotBleAdvertisementParams_t::setScanRsp

Set to true if the user wishes to set up a scan response instead of an advertisement message.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: