


Player Interface defining a Player
Releasable Interface for any object which requires an explicit call to free resources it is holding. 


Cue Superclass for all Cue types  
MediaSessionCallback Implementation of that adapts to the Player interface. 
MediaType MediaType constants  
Player.Factory Static class used to instantiate Player instances. 
Player.Listener Player listener interface. 
PlayerControlView View for displaying the controls for a Player instance. 
PlayerView View for displaying the content of a Player instance. 
Quality Represents a quality which is a selection of video/audio tracks from the loaded media. 
Statistics Contains various playback statistics for a player instance. 
TextCue Contains information for the display of subtitles and captions including styling and positioning. 
TextMetadataCue Contains timed text metadata. 


ErrorType Enumeration of error codes used in onError(PlayerException)
Player.LogLevel Possible log level values that can be set on a player. 
Player.State Represents the current state of a player instance. 
TextCue.TextAlignment Possible text alignment of a TextCue


PlayerException Represents an error that occurred during media playback.