All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AccessDeniedException |
Thrown when an access denied exception occurs
AuthorizeClientDeviceActionOperationContext |
Send a request to authorize action on some resource
AuthorizeClientDeviceActionRequest |
AuthorizeClientDeviceActionResponse |
AuthorizeClientDeviceActionResponseHandler |
AwsIotMqtt5ClientBuilder |
Builders for making MQTT5 clients with different connection methods for AWS IoT Core.
AwsIotMqtt5ClientBuilder.MqttConnectCustomAuthConfig |
AwsIotMqtt5ClientBuilder.WebsocketSigv4Config |
Websocket-specific MQTT5 connection AWS IoT configuration options
AwsIotMqttConnectionBuilder |
A central class for building Mqtt connections without manually managing a large variety of native objects (some
still need to be created though).
AwsMqtt5Sigv4HandshakeTransformer |
A websocket handshake transformer that adds a sigv4 signature for the handshake to the request.
AwsSigv4HandshakeTransformer |
A websocket handshake transformer that adds a sigv4 signature for the handshake to the request.
BinaryMessage |
CancelLocalDeploymentOperationContext |
Cancel a local deployment on the device.
CancelLocalDeploymentRequest |
CancelLocalDeploymentResponse |
CancelLocalDeploymentResponseHandler |
CertificateOptions |
CertificateType |
CertificateUpdate |
CertificateUpdateEvent |
CertificateUpdateEvent.UnionMember |
ClientDeviceCredential |
ClientDeviceCredential.UnionMember |
ComponentDetails |
ComponentNotFoundError |
ComponentUpdatePolicyEvents |
ComponentUpdatePolicyEvents.UnionMember |
ConfigurationUpdateEvent |
ConfigurationUpdateEvents |
ConfigurationUpdateEvents.UnionMember |
ConfigurationValidityReport |
ConfigurationValidityStatus |
ConflictError |
ConnectivityInfo |
Describes a Greengrass core endpoint that a device can connect to
API Documentation:
CreateCertificateFromCsrRequest |
Data needed to perform a CreateCertificateFromCsr operation.
CreateCertificateFromCsrResponse |
Response payload to a CreateCertificateFromCsr request.
CreateCertificateFromCsrSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to the responses of the CreateCertificateFromCsr operation.
CreateDebugPasswordOperationContext |
Generate a password for the LocalDebugConsole component
CreateDebugPasswordRequest |
CreateDebugPasswordResponse |
CreateDebugPasswordResponseHandler |
CreateKeysAndCertificateRequest |
Data needed to perform a CreateKeysAndCertificate operation.
CreateKeysAndCertificateResponse |
Response payload to a CreateKeysAndCertificate request.
CreateKeysAndCertificateSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to the responses of the CreateKeysAndCertificate operation.
CreateLocalDeploymentOperationContext |
Creates a local deployment on the device.
CreateLocalDeploymentRequest |
CreateLocalDeploymentResponse |
CreateLocalDeploymentResponseHandler |
CredentialDocument |
CredentialDocument.UnionMember |
DeferComponentUpdateOperationContext |
Defer the update of components by a given amount of time and check again after that.
DeferComponentUpdateRequest |
DeferComponentUpdateResponse |
DeferComponentUpdateResponseHandler |
DeleteNamedShadowRequest |
Data needed to make a DeleteNamedShadow request.
DeleteNamedShadowSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to DeleteNamedShadow responses for an AWS IoT thing.
DeleteShadowRequest |
Data needed to make a DeleteShadow request.
DeleteShadowResponse |
Response payload to a DeleteShadow request.
DeleteShadowSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to DeleteShadow responses for an AWS IoT thing.
DeleteThingShadowOperationContext |
Deletes a device shadow document stored in the local shadow service
DeleteThingShadowRequest |
DeleteThingShadowResponse |
DeleteThingShadowResponseHandler |
DeploymentStatus |
DeploymentStatusDetails |
DescribeJobExecutionRequest |
Data needed to make a DescribeJobExecution request.
DescribeJobExecutionResponse |
Response payload to a DescribeJobExecution request.
DescribeJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to DescribeJobExecution responses.
DeserializationException |
Thrown when a deserialization exception occurs
DetailedDeploymentStatus |
DiscoverResponse |
Top-level response data for a greengrass discovery request.
DiscoveryClient |
Class for performing network-based discovery of the connectivity properties of registered greengrass cores
associated with an AWS account and region.
DiscoveryClientConfig |
Configuration object for the Greengrass discovery client
EnumSerializer<E> |
Custom JSON serializer for enumerated types within IoT service models
ErrorResponse |
Response document containing details about a failed request.
ErrorResponse |
Response document containing details about a failed request.
EventStreamClosedException |
Thrown when a EventStream closed exception occurs
EventStreamError |
Used to hold event stream RPC error messages that are not tied to any service.
EventStreamJsonMessage |
All generated model types implement this interface, including errors.
EventStreamOperationError |
Root error type returned by any continuation error message
TODO: To mimic public AWS SDK clients, any exception thrown by
a given service should inherit from it's generated model
service exception.
EventStreamRPCClient |
Not sure how public we need to make this class
EventStreamRPCConnection |
A connection for an EventStreamRPC client
EventStreamRPCConnection.LifecycleHandler |
Lifecycle handler is how a client can react and respond to connectivity interruptions.
EventStreamRPCConnectionConfig |
The closeable elements inside the EventStreamRPCConnectionConfig are not cleaned up when
this config object is done.
EventStreamRPCServiceModel |
Implementers of this service model are expected to likely be singletons.
FailedUpdateConditionCheckError |
FailureHandlingPolicy |
GetClientDeviceAuthTokenOperationContext |
Get session token for a client device
GetClientDeviceAuthTokenRequest |
GetClientDeviceAuthTokenResponse |
GetClientDeviceAuthTokenResponseHandler |
GetComponentDetailsOperationContext |
Gets the status and version of the component with the given component name
GetComponentDetailsRequest |
GetComponentDetailsResponse |
GetComponentDetailsResponseHandler |
GetConfigurationOperationContext |
Get value of a given key from the configuration
GetConfigurationRequest |
GetConfigurationResponse |
GetConfigurationResponseHandler |
GetLocalDeploymentStatusOperationContext |
Get status of a local deployment with the given deploymentId
GetLocalDeploymentStatusRequest |
GetLocalDeploymentStatusResponse |
GetLocalDeploymentStatusResponseHandler |
GetNamedShadowRequest |
Data needed to make a GetNamedShadow request.
GetNamedShadowSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to GetNamedShadow responses.
GetPendingJobExecutionsRequest |
Data needed to make a GetPendingJobExecutions request.
GetPendingJobExecutionsResponse |
Response payload to a GetPendingJobExecutions request.
GetPendingJobExecutionsSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to GetPendingJobExecutions responses.
GetSecretValueOperationContext |
Retrieves a secret stored in AWS secrets manager
GetSecretValueRequest |
GetSecretValueResponse |
GetSecretValueResponseHandler |
GetShadowRequest |
Data needed to make a GetShadow request.
GetShadowResponse |
Response payload to a GetShadow request.
GetShadowSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to GetShadow responses.
GetThingShadowOperationContext |
Retrieves a device shadow document stored by the local shadow service
GetThingShadowRequest |
GetThingShadowResponse |
GetThingShadowResponseHandler |
GGCore |
Information about a particular Greengrass core within a Greengrass group
API Documentation:
GGGroup |
Information about a Greengrass group: a structured collection of one or more Grengrass cores
API Documentation:
GreengrassConnectMessageSupplier |
The connect message supplier for Greengrass
GreengrassCoreIPC |
GreengrassCoreIPCClient |
GreengrassCoreIPCClientV2 |
V2 Client for Greengrass.
GreengrassCoreIPCClientV2.Builder |
GreengrassCoreIPCClientV2.StreamingResponse<T,U> |
GreengrassCoreIPCError |
GreengrassCoreIPCServiceModel |
GreengrassEventStreamConnectMessage |
A Greengrass EventStream connection message
InternalServerException |
Thrown when a internal server exception occurs
InvalidArgumentsError |
InvalidArtifactsDirectoryPathError |
InvalidClientDeviceAuthTokenError |
InvalidCredentialError |
InvalidDataException |
An exception for invalid/unexpected data
InvalidRecipeDirectoryPathError |
InvalidTokenError |
IoTCoreMessage |
IoTCoreMessage.UnionMember |
IotIdentityClient |
An AWS IoT service that assists with provisioning a device and installing unique client certificates on it
AWS documentation:
IotJobsClient |
The AWS IoT jobs service can be used to define a set of remote operations that are sent to and executed on one or more devices connected to AWS IoT.
IotShadowClient |
The AWS IoT Device Shadow service adds shadows to AWS IoT thing objects.
JobExecutionData |
Data about a job execution.
JobExecutionsChangedEvent |
Sent whenever a job execution is added to or removed from the list of pending job executions for a thing.
JobExecutionsChangedSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to JobExecutionsChanged events.
JobExecutionState |
Data about the state of a job execution.
JobExecutionSummary |
Contains a subset of information about a job execution.
JobStatus |
The status of the job execution.
JsonMessage |
LifecycleState |
ListComponentsOperationContext |
Request for a list of components
ListComponentsRequest |
ListComponentsResponse |
ListComponentsResponseHandler |
ListLocalDeploymentsOperationContext |
Lists the last 5 local deployments along with their statuses
ListLocalDeploymentsRequest |
ListLocalDeploymentsResponse |
ListLocalDeploymentsResponseHandler |
ListNamedShadowsForThingOperationContext |
Lists the named shadows for the specified thing
ListNamedShadowsForThingRequest |
ListNamedShadowsForThingResponse |
ListNamedShadowsForThingResponseHandler |
LocalDeployment |
MessageAmendInfo |
Small data class used to hold information that may be used differently depending on the context
For sending messages, the headers stored in the object may be used to append to existing headers,
where it won't overwrite an existing one that may be outgoing.
MessageContext |
Contextual information about the message.
Metric |
MetricUnitType |
MQTTCredential |
MQTTMessage |
NamedShadowDeltaUpdatedSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to a device's NamedShadowDelta events.
NamedShadowUpdatedSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to a device's NamedShadowUpdated events.
NextJobExecutionChangedEvent |
Sent whenever there is a change to which job execution is next on the list of pending job executions for a thing, as defined for DescribeJobExecution with jobId $next.
NextJobExecutionChangedSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to NextJobExecutionChanged events.
OperationModelContext<RequestType extends EventStreamJsonMessage,ResponseType extends EventStreamJsonMessage,StreamingRequestType extends EventStreamJsonMessage,StreamingResponseType extends EventStreamJsonMessage> |
Interface used for both client and server to dictate how to handle operations modeled by implementing this
OperationResponse<ResponseType extends EventStreamJsonMessage,StreamRequestType extends EventStreamJsonMessage> |
Underlying type for operation response handling.
PauseComponentOperationContext |
Pause a running component
PauseComponentRequest |
PauseComponentResponse |
PauseComponentResponseHandler |
PayloadFormat |
PostComponentUpdateEvent |
PreComponentUpdateEvent |
PublishMessage |
PublishMessage.UnionMember |
PublishToIoTCoreOperationContext |
Publish an MQTT message to AWS IoT message broker
PublishToIoTCoreRequest |
PublishToIoTCoreResponse |
PublishToIoTCoreResponseHandler |
PublishToTopicOperationContext |
Publish to a custom topic.
PublishToTopicRequest |
PublishToTopicResponse |
PublishToTopicResponseHandler |
PutComponentMetricOperationContext |
Send component metrics
NOTE Only usable by AWS components
PutComponentMetricRequest |
PutComponentMetricResponse |
PutComponentMetricResponseHandler |
ReceiveMode |
RegisterThingRequest |
Data needed to perform a RegisterThing operation.
RegisterThingResponse |
Response payload to a RegisterThing request.
RegisterThingSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to the responses of the RegisterThing operation.
RejectedError |
Response document containing details about a failed request.
RejectedErrorCode |
A value indicating the kind of error encountered while processing an AWS IoT Jobs request
ReportedLifecycleState |
RequestStatus |
ResourceNotFoundError |
RestartComponentOperationContext |
Restarts a component with the given name
RestartComponentRequest |
RestartComponentResponse |
RestartComponentResponseHandler |
ResumeComponentOperationContext |
Resume a paused component
ResumeComponentRequest |
ResumeComponentResponse |
ResumeComponentResponseHandler |
RunWithInfo |
SecretValue |
SecretValue.UnionMember |
SendConfigurationValidityReportOperationContext |
This operation should be used in response to event received as part of SubscribeToValidateConfigurationUpdates
SendConfigurationValidityReportRequest |
SendConfigurationValidityReportResponse |
SendConfigurationValidityReportResponseHandler |
SerializationException |
Thrown when a serialization exception occurs
ServiceError |
ShadowDeltaUpdatedEvent |
An event generated when a shadow document was updated by a request to AWS IoT.
ShadowDeltaUpdatedSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to a device's ShadowDelta events.
ShadowMetadata |
Contains the last-updated timestamps for each attribute in the desired and reported sections of the shadow state.
ShadowState |
(Potentially partial) state of an AWS IoT thing's shadow.
ShadowStateFactory |
Factory class for converting ShadowStates to and from packet payloads
ShadowStateWithDelta |
(Potentially partial) state of an AWS IoT thing's shadow.
ShadowUpdatedEvent |
A description of the before and after states of a device shadow.
ShadowUpdatedSnapshot |
Complete state of the (classic) shadow of an AWS IoT Thing.
ShadowUpdatedSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to a device's ShadowUpdated events.
StartNextJobExecutionResponse |
Response payload to a StartNextJobExecution request.
StartNextPendingJobExecutionRequest |
Data needed to make a StartNextPendingJobExecution request.
StartNextPendingJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to StartNextPendingJobExecution responses.
StopComponentOperationContext |
Stops a component with the given name
StopComponentRequest |
StopComponentResponse |
StopComponentResponseHandler |
StreamEventPublisher<StreamEventType extends EventStreamJsonMessage> |
Interface to enable sending events over an open stream operation.
StreamResponse<ResponseType extends EventStreamJsonMessage,StreamRequestType extends EventStreamJsonMessage> |
Interface for stream responses
StreamResponseHandler<StreamEventType> |
Operation response handler is needed to invoke an operation that has a streaming
response element to it.
SubscribeToCertificateUpdatesOperationContext |
Create a subscription for new certificates
SubscribeToCertificateUpdatesRequest |
SubscribeToCertificateUpdatesResponse |
SubscribeToCertificateUpdatesResponseHandler |
SubscribeToComponentUpdatesOperationContext |
Subscribe to receive notification if GGC is about to update any components
SubscribeToComponentUpdatesRequest |
SubscribeToComponentUpdatesResponse |
SubscribeToComponentUpdatesResponseHandler |
SubscribeToConfigurationUpdateOperationContext |
Subscribes to be notified when GGC updates the configuration for a given componentName and keyName.
SubscribeToConfigurationUpdateRequest |
SubscribeToConfigurationUpdateResponse |
SubscribeToConfigurationUpdateResponseHandler |
SubscribeToIoTCoreOperationContext |
Subscribe to a topic in AWS IoT message broker.
SubscribeToIoTCoreRequest |
SubscribeToIoTCoreResponse |
SubscribeToIoTCoreResponseHandler |
SubscribeToTopicOperationContext |
Creates a subscription for a custom topic
SubscribeToTopicRequest |
SubscribeToTopicResponse |
SubscribeToTopicResponseHandler |
SubscribeToValidateConfigurationUpdatesOperationContext |
Subscribes to be notified when GGC is about to update configuration for this component
GGC will wait for a timeout period before it proceeds with the update.
SubscribeToValidateConfigurationUpdatesRequest |
SubscribeToValidateConfigurationUpdatesResponse |
SubscribeToValidateConfigurationUpdatesResponseHandler |
SubscriptionResponseMessage |
SubscriptionResponseMessage.UnionMember |
SystemResourceLimits |
Timestamp |
Extension of Java date class to support Json serialization.
Timestamp.Deserializer |
Deserializer to convert JSON to Timestamp
Timestamp.Serializer |
Serializer to convert Timestamp to JSON
UnauthorizedError |
UnmappedDataException |
Unmapped data exception is generated either on server or client side when recieving data
over the wire and is unable to map properly to an expected type to be received
for the operation.
UnsupportedOperationException |
Thrown when an unsupported operation exception occurs
UpdateConfigurationOperationContext |
Update this component's configuration by replacing the value of given keyName with the newValue.
UpdateConfigurationRequest |
UpdateConfigurationResponse |
UpdateConfigurationResponseHandler |
UpdateJobExecutionRequest |
Data needed to make an UpdateJobExecution request.
UpdateJobExecutionResponse |
Response payload to an UpdateJobExecution request.
UpdateJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to UpdateJobExecution responses.
UpdateNamedShadowRequest |
Data needed to make an UpdateNamedShadow request.
UpdateNamedShadowSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to UpdateNamedShadow responses.
UpdateShadowRequest |
Data needed to make an UpdateShadow request.
UpdateShadowResponse |
Response payload to an UpdateShadow request.
UpdateShadowSubscriptionRequest |
Data needed to subscribe to UpdateShadow responses.
UpdateStateOperationContext |
Update status of this component
UpdateStateRequest |
UpdateStateResponse |
UpdateStateResponseHandler |
UpdateThingShadowOperationContext |
Updates a device shadow document stored in the local shadow service
The update is an upsert operation, with optimistic locking support
UpdateThingShadowRequest |
UpdateThingShadowResponse |
UpdateThingShadowResponseHandler |
UserProperty |
ValidateAuthorizationTokenOperationContext |
Validate authorization token
NOTE This API can be used only by stream manager, customer component calling this API will receive UnauthorizedError
ValidateAuthorizationTokenRequest |
ValidateAuthorizationTokenResponse |
ValidateAuthorizationTokenResponseHandler |
ValidateConfigurationUpdateEvent |
ValidateConfigurationUpdateEvents |
ValidateConfigurationUpdateEvents.UnionMember |
ValidationException |
Thrown when a validation exception occurs
VerifyClientDeviceIdentityOperationContext |
Verify client device credentials
VerifyClientDeviceIdentityRequest |
VerifyClientDeviceIdentityResponse |
VerifyClientDeviceIdentityResponseHandler |
Version | minus the labels