
aws-lc-rs aws-lc-sys aws-lc-fips-sys

aws-lc-rs is a cryptographic library using AWS Libcrypto (AWS-LC) for its cryptographic operations. This library strives to be API-compatible with the popular Rust library named ring (v0.16). It uses one of our auto-generated Foreign Function Interface (FFI) crates (either aws-lc-sys or aws-lc-fips-sys) for binding to AWS-LC for the cryptographic implementations.


Rust developers increasingly need to deploy applications that meet US and Canadian government cryptographic requirements. We evaluated how to deliver FIPS validated cryptography in idiomatic and performant Rust, built around our AWS-LC offering. We found that the popular ring library fulfilled much of the cryptographic needs in the Rust community, but it did not meet the needs of developers with FIPS requirements. Our intention is to contribute a drop-in replacement for ring that provides FIPS support and is compatible with the ring (v0.16) API. Rust developers with prescribed cryptographic requirements can seamlessly integrate aws-lc-rs into their applications and deploy them into AWS Regions.

Questions, Feedback and Contributing

We use GitHub Issues for managing feature requests, bug reports, or questions about aws-lc-rs API usage.

Otherwise, if you think you might have found a security impacting issue, please instead follow our Security Notification Process below.

Security Notification Process

If you discover a potential security issue in AWS-LC or aws-lc-rs, we ask that you notify AWS Security via our vulnerability reporting page. Please do not create a public GitHub issue.

If you package or distribute aws-lc-rs, or use aws-lc-rs as part of a large multi-user service, you may be eligible for pre-notification of future aws-lc-rs releases. Please contact


aws-lc-rs is licensed under the Apache-2.0 or the ISC License. The aws-lc-sys and aws-lc-fips-sys libraries contain code from AWS-LC and are licensed under the ISC AND ( Apache-2.0 OR ISC ) AND OpenSSL licenses.


This page outlines the requirements for using aws-lc-rs on each target platform.

aws-lc-rs uses aws-lc-sys or aws-lc-fips-sys to provide raw FFI bindings to AWS-LC. Thus, there are additional build tools required for building these crates into your Rust application.

Linux Requirements

Unless the "fips" feature is enabled, building aws-lc-rs v1.7.0 (or later) for the following targets should only require a C/C++ compiler.

Platformdefaultfipsbindgen required?
aarch64-unknown-linux-gnuC/C++ CompilerC/C++ Compiler, CMake & GoNo
aarch64-unknown-linux-muslC/C++ CompilerC/C++ Compiler, CMake & GoNo
x86_64-unknown-linux-gnuC/C++ CompilerC/C++ Compiler, CMake & GoNo
x86_64-unknown-linux-muslC/C++ CompilerC/C++ Compiler, CMake & GoNo
i686-unknown-linux-gnuC/C++ CompilerNot SupportedNo
OtherC/C++ Compiler & CMakeNot SupportedYes

C/C++ Compiler

Amazon Linux (AL2023)

sudo dnf groupinstall -y "Development Tools"

Ubuntu (22.04 LTS)

sudo apt-get install -y build-essential

CMake & Go

Amazon Linux (AL2023)

sudo dnf install -y cmake golang

Ubuntu (22.04 LTS)

sudo apt-get install -y cmake golang


On most platforms, bindgen requires libclang or llvm package to be installed. See the requirements page in The bindgen User Guide for instructions.

libclang / LLVM

Amazon Linux (AL2023)

sudo dnf install -y clang-libs

Ubuntu (22.04 LTS)

sudo apt-get install -y libclang1


cargo install --force --locked bindgen-cli


See our troubleshooting section.

macOS & iOS Requirements

Unless the "fips" feature is enabled, building aws-lc-rs v1.7.0 (or later) for macOS targets should only require a C/C++ compiler. Builds for iOS will also require CMake.

Platformdefaultfipsbindgen required?
aarch64-apple-darwinC/C++ CompilerC/C++ Compiler, CMake & GoNo
x86_64-apple-darwinC/C++ CompilerC/C++ Compiler, CMake & GoNo
aarch64-apple-iosC/C++ Compiler & CMakeNot SupportedYes
x86_64-apple-iosC/C++ Compiler & CMakeNot SupportedYes

C/C++ Compiler

Install Command Line Tools for Xcode which a provides a C/C++ compiler environment (LLVM).



sudo port install cmake


brew install cmake


On most platforms, bindgen requires libclang or llvm package to be installed. See the requirements page in The bindgen User Guide for instructions.


sudo port install clang


brew install llvm


cargo install --force --locked bindgen-cli


See our troubleshooting section.

Windows Requirements

Platformdefaultfipsbindgen required?
x86_64-pc-windows-msvcC/C++ Compiler, CMake & NASMC/C++ Compiler, CMake, NASM, Go & NinjaYes
x86_64-pc-windows-gnuC/C++ Compiler, CMake & NASMNot SupportedYes
aarch64-pc-windows-msvcC/C++ Compiler (clang-cl), CMake & NinjaNot SupportedYes
OtherNot SupportedNot SupportedN/A

C/C++ Compiler

Use the following instructions to download Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 or later.

  1. Download the Build Tools for Visual Studio installer.
  2. Execute the installer.
  3. If you have an existing installation chose Modify on the existing installation.
  4. Under Workloads select Visual C++ build tools
  5. Under Individual componenets select
    • C++/CLI support
    • C++ CMake tools for Windows
  6. For ARM64/aarch64 support, also select:
    • C++ Clang Compiler for Windows
    • MSBuild support for LLVM (clang-cl) toolset
  7. Confirm selections and click Install


  1. Download Windows CMake Installer
  2. Execute the installer
  3. Add the CMake installation binary directory to your PATH.
    • set PATH="C:\Program Files\CMake\bin;%PATH%"


  1. Download and install the Netwide Assembler (NASM)
  2. Add the NASM installation directory to your PATH
    • set PATH="C:\Program Files\NASM;%PATH%"

No-assembly build

It is possible to avoid the NASM requirement by setting the AWS_LC_SYS_NO_ASM/AWS_LC_FIPS_SYS_NO_ASM environment variables. However, this severely impacts performance and can only be used for un-optimized/debug builds. See the notes in our troubleshooting section.


  1. Download and install Ninja
  2. Add the Ninja installation directory to your PATH
    • set PATH="C:\ninja\ninja_build;%PATH%"


On most platforms, bindgen requires libclang or llvm package to be installed. See the requirements page in [The bindgen User Guide] for instructions.

libclang / LLVM

  1. Download LLVM Installer
  2. Execute the installer
  3. Update your environment to set LIBCLANG_PATH to the bin directory inside LLVM install directory.
    • set LIBCLANG_PATH="C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin"


cargo install --force --locked bindgen-cli


See our troubleshooting section.

Platform Support

Pre-generated bindings

aws-lc-rs can utilize pre-generated bindings when operating on the following build targets.


Tested platforms

In addition to the ones listed above, the aws-lc-rs CI builds and/or tests with the following platforms. All platforms listed below require CMake to be available in the build environment. They also require bindings to be generated during the build process.


One of the following options must be used for bindings generation. See requirements page for more information.

  • Enable bindgen feature in your Cargo.toml:
aws-lc-rs = { version = "1", features = ["bindgen"] }

-- OR --

  • Install bindgen-cli in the build envionment:
cargo install --force --locked bindgen-cli



Frequently Asked Questions

What are the differences between aws-lc-rs and ring?

While we aim to be API-compatible with ring v0.16 there are some differences in our implementation. Please review the ring-compatibility section of our API reference guide.

Can I run aws-lc-rs on X platform or architecture?

The answer to this question is dependent on several factors based on the target environment:

  • Must be a platform and CPU architecture supported by AWS-LC.
  • Must be a platform supported by the Rust compiler with support for the full standard library. See the Rust compiler's platform support documentation.
  • If the underlying aws-lc-sys or aws-lc-fips-sys crates don't have pre-generated bindings for the desired platform then you must use the bindgen crate feature of aws-lc-rs, or have the bindgen-cli installed, to enable generation of the FFI bindings for the desired platform and architecture.
  • See Requirements and Platform Support for more details on build requirements for various platforms.

If there is a platform or architecture you are interested in seeing support for, please create a GitHub issue.



There are a few environment variables that may help in diagnosing/remdiating build problem. These affect the way that aws-lc-sys or aws-lc-fips-sys build the underlying AWS-LC library.

None of the environment variables below are officially supported, and any one of them might be removed or changed on a future release. Please contact us about any bugs you find in our build process.

  • AWS_LC_SYS_STATIC | AWS_LC_FIPS_SYS_STATIC -- value can be set to 0 or 1 to force the resulting build artifact to be shared library (e.g., *.so) or static library (e.g., *.a).
  • AWS_LC_SYS_CMAKE_BUILDER -- value can be set to 1 or 0 to force the build to use (1) or not use (0) CMake.
  • AWS_LC_SYS_EXTERNAL_BINDGEN | ``AWS_LC_FIPS_SYS_EXTERNAL_BINDGEN -- value can be set to 1 or 0 to force the build to use (1) or not use (0) the bindgen-cli instead of the pre-generated or internally generated bindings.
  • AWS_LC_SYS_NO_PREFIX | AWS_LC_FIPS_SYS_NO_PREFIX -- value can be set to 1 to force the build to not prefix the library nor the symbols it contains.
  • AWS_LC_SYS_NO_ASM | AWS_LC_FIPS_SYS_NO_ASM -- value can be set to 1 to force the build to use C-language implementations for all cryptographic operations. Our optimized hardware-specific assembly implementations will not be used. This option is only available for unoptimized (i.e., OPT_LEVEL = "0" or "debug") builds. WARNING: Performance on most platforms is extremely limited by this option. Certain security properties, such as resistance to timing attacks, can only be provided when assembly code is used.