Continuous Deployment (CD)

Chalice can be used to set up a basic Continuous Deployment pipeline. The chalice deploy command is good for getting up and running quickly with Chalice, but in a team environment properly managing permissions and sharing and updating the deployed.json file will get messy.

One way to scale up your chalice app is to create a continuous deployment pipeline. The pipeline can run tests on code changes and, if they pass, promote the new build to a testing stage. More checks can be put in place to manually promote a build to production, or you can do so automatically. This model greatly simplifies managing what resources belong to your Chalice app as they are all stored in the Continuous Deployment pipeline.

Chalice can generate a CloudFormation template that will create a starter CD pipeline. By default it contains an AWS CodeCommit repo, an AWS CodeBuild stage for packaging your chalice app, and an AWS CodePipeline stage to deploy your application using CloudFormation.

You can also configure a source repository hosted on GitHub instead of a CodeCommit repository.

Pipeline Template Versions

This starter pipeline template can be generated using the generate-pipeline command. There are two versions of this pipeline. The older v1 template is the default (for backwards compatibility reasons), but the newer template version, v2, is recommended. The version can be specified using the --pipeline-version option. These are the differences between v1 and v2 templates:

  • The v1 templates use version 0.1 of the CodeBuild buildspec, whereas v2 uses 0.2 of the CodeBuild buildspec. Buildspec 0.2 is the recommended version to use with CodeBuild. See their documentation for more information.

  • The v2 template uses AWS Secrets Manager to configure access to a GitHub repository.

  • The v2 buildspec uses runtime-versions to configure which version of Python to use instead of a Python version specific CodeBuild image. For v2 templates the aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard image.

The v2 pipeline template requires Python 3.7 or higher. If you’re using Python versions less than 3.7 you must use the v1 pipeline template.

Usage example

Setting up the deployment pipeline is a two step process. First use the chalice generate-pipeline command to generate a base CloudFormation template. Second use the AWS CLI to deploy the CloudFormation template using the aws cloudformation deploy command. Below is an example.

$ chalice generate-pipeline --pipeline-version v2 pipeline.json
$ aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name mystack
      --template-file pipeline.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
Waiting for changeset to be created..
Waiting for stack create/update to complete
Successfully created/updated stack - mystack


To configure your Chalice app to use a GitHub repository instead of CodeCommit see the Configuring a GitHub Repository section below.

Once the CloudFormation template has finished creating the stack, you will have several new AWS resources that make up a bare bones CD pipeline.

  • CodeCommit Repository - The CodeCommit repository is the entrypoint into the pipeline. Any code you want to deploy should be pushed to this remote.

  • CodePipeline Pipeline - The CodePipeline is what coordinates the build process, and pushes the released code out.

  • CodeBuild Project - The CodeBuild project is where the code bundle is built that will be pushed to Lambda. The default CloudFormation template will create a CodeBuild stage that builds a package using chalice package and then uploads those artifacts for CodePipeline to deploy.

  • S3 Buckets - Two S3 buckets are created on your behalf.

    • artifactbucketstore - This bucket stores artifacts that are built by the CodeBuild project. The only artifact by default is the transformed.yaml created by the aws cloudformation package command.

    • applicationbucket - Stores the application bundle after the Chalice application has been packaged in the CodeBuild stage.

  • Each resource is created with all the required IAM roles and policies.

CodeCommit repository

The CodeCommit repository can be added as a git remote for deployment. This makes it easy to kick off deployments. The developer doing the deployment only needs to push the release code up to the CodeCommit repository master branch. All the developer needs is keys that allow for push access to the CodeCommit repository. This is a lot easier than managing a set of deployed.json resources across a repsoitory and manually doing chalice deploy whenever a change needs to be deployed.

The default CodeCommit repository that is created is empty, you will have to populate it with the Chalice application code. Permissions will also need to be set up, you can find the documentation on how to do that here .

You can retrieve the CodeCommit clone URL by searching for the SourceRepoURL in the CloudFormation stack output:

$ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name mystack \
   --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='SourceRepoURL'] | [0].OutputValue"


CodePipeline is the main coordinator between all the other resources. It watches for changes on the CodeCommit repository, and triggers builds in the CodeBuild project. If the build succeeds then it will start a CloudFormation deployment of the built artifacts to a beta stage. This should be treated as a starting point, not a fully featured CD system.

CodeBuild build script

By default Chalice will create the CodeBuild project with a default buildspec that does the following.

version: 0.1
    - sudo pip install --upgrade awscli
    - aws --version
    - sudo pip install chalice
    - sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
    - chalice package /tmp/packaged
    - aws cloudformation package --template-file
        /tmp/packaged/sam.json --s3-bucket ${APP_S3_BUCKET}
        --output-template-file transformed.yaml
  type: zip
    - transformed.yaml

The CodeBuild stage installs both the AWS CLI and Chalice, then creates a package out of your chalice project, pushing the package to the application S3 bucket that was created for you. The transformed CloudFormation template is the only artifact, and can be run by CodePipeline after the build has succeeded.

Deploying to beta stage

Once the CodeBuild stage has finished building the Chalice package and creating the transformed.yaml, CodePipeline will take these artifacts and use them to create or update the beta stage. The transformed.yaml is a CloudFormation template that CodePipeline will execute, all the code it references has been uploaded to the application bucket by the AWS CLI in the CodeBuild stage, so this is the only artifact we need.

Once the CodePipeline beta build stage is finished, the beta version of the app is deployed and ready for testing.


It is recommended to use this pipeline as a starting point. The default template does not run any tests on the Chalice app before deploying to beta. There is also no mechanism provided by Chalice for a production stage. Ideally the CodeBuild stage would be used to run unit and functional tests before deploying to beta. After the beta stage is up, integration tests can be run against that endpoint, and if they all pass the beta stage could be promoted to a production stage using the CodePipeline manual approval feature.

Configuring a GitHub Repository

You can configure a GitHub repository instead of a CodeCommit repo when setting up your deployment pipeline by specifying the --source github option. When generating a CloudFormation template for a GitHub repository, there are several parameters that are added to your template that allow you to configure how to connect your GitHub repository with your CodePipeline.

You must store your OAuth token that enables access to a GitHub repository in AWS Secrets Manager. You then specify the secret name/id and the JSON key name as CloudFormation parameters. These values default to a secret name of GithubRepoAccess and a JSON key name of OAuthToken.

Below is an example of how to configure a GitHub repository as the source for your deployment pipeline.

First create a GitHub token that can be used in this template. Next create a secret in AWS Secrets Manager. You can either follow the documentation here or use the AWS CLI or any AWS SDK. For this example, we’ll use the AWS CLI to create our secret. Create a file named /tmp/secrets.json with these contents:

{"OAuthToken": "abcdefghhijklmnop"}

Be sure to replace the value of OAuthToken with the value of your GitHub token you created. Next we can create the secret using this command:

$ aws secretsmanager create-secret --name GithubRepoAccess \
  --description "Token for Github Repo Access" \
  --secret-string file:///tmp/secrets.json

Now we can generate our deployment pipeline:

$ chalice generate-pipeline --pipeline-version v2 \
  --source github --buildspec-file buildspec.yml pipeline.json

This will create two files, a pipeline.json file containing our deployment pipeline and a buildspec.yml file. This buildspec file lets us update what commands should be run as part of our build process without having to redeploy our CloudFormation template.

We now add and commit our changes to our repository.

$ git add buildspec.yml pipeline.json
$ git commit -m "Add deployment pipeline template"
$ git push

Now we’re ready to deploy our CloudFormation template using the AWS CLI. Be sure to replace the GithubOwner and GithubRepoName with your own values for your GitHub repository. You’ll also need to specify the GithubRepoSecretId and GithubRepoSecretJSONKey if you used values other than the default vaues of GithubRepoAccess and OAuthToken when creating your secret in Secrets Manager.

$ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file pipeline.json \
  --stack-name MyChaliceApp --parameter-overrides \
  GithubOwner=repo-owner-name \
  GithubRepoName=repo-name \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

We’ve now created a deployment pipeline that will automatically deploy our Chalice app whenever we push to our GitHub repository.

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