Custom Domain Names

Custom domain names are simpler and more intuitive URLs that you can provide to your API users. With custom domain names, you can set up your API’s hostname, and choose a base path to map the alternative URL to your API.

You must have an AWS managed certificate created or imported through AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) in order to configure a custom domain name for REST and WebSocket APIs. See Get certificate in AWS Certificate Manager for more information.

Custom domain name can be configured per Chalice stage.


This document describes the configuration option and process needed to configure a custom domain with your Chalice application. If you’d like a step-by-step example that walks you through configuring a custom domain for a Chalice app using Amazon Route53 and ACM, see the Custom Domain Names tutorial.

There are two steps to configuring a custom domain name. First you must configure your Chalice app such that it creates the necessary resources and configuration when provisioning your REST or WebSocket APIs. This is explained in the next two sections below. Then you must configure your DNS configuration to point your custom domain name to the domain name created by API Gateway. This is explained in the DNS Configuration section below.

Configure custom domain name for REST API

To create custom domain name for REST API, add the api_gateway_custom_domain configuration option to your .chalice/config.json file. You must specify the certificate_arn, which is the ARN of your ACM certificate associated with your domain as well as your domain_name. The remaining fields are optional and may be omitted. By default TLS 1.2 is used for your endpoint unless otherwise specified.

Below is an example of all the configuration options you can specify when configuring a custom domain. They are explained in the api_gateway_custom_domain section of the Configuration File documentation.

    "stages": {
        "dev": {
            "api_gateway_stage": "api",
            "api_gateway_custom_domain": {
                "domain_name": "",
                "tls_version": "TLS_1_2|TLS_1_0",
                "certificate_arn": "arn:aws:acm:example",
                "url_prefix": "foo",
                "tags": {
                    "key": "tag1",
                    "key1": "tag2"

Configure custom domain name for WebSocket

To create custom domain name for WebSocket API, add the websocket_api_custom_domain configuration option to your .chalice/config.json file.

Below is an example of all the configuration options you can specify when configuring a custom domain for a WebSocket API. They are explained in the websocket_api_custom_domain section of the Configuration File documentation.

    "stages": {
        "dev": {
            "api_gateway_stage": "api",
            "websocket_api_custom_domain": {
                "domain_name": "",
                "tls_version": "TLS_1_2|TLS_1_0",
                "certificate_arn": "arn:aws:acm:example",
                "url_prefix": "foo",
                "tags": {
                    "key": "tag1",
                    "key1": "tag2"

DNS Configuration

Chalice only configures your API Gateway API with the necessary resources and configuration so a custom domain can be used. It does not alter any existing DNS records you have associated with your domain name. After you’ve deployed your Chalice app with the configuration options described above, you’ll need to modify your DNS records to point to your API Gateway API using the web interface or API of your domain registrar associated with your domain name. When you run chalice deploy with a custom domain configured, there will be two new fields in the output:

$ chalice deploy
Creating deployment package.
Updating policy for IAM role: customdomain-dev
Updating lambda function: customdomain-dev
Updating rest API
Creating custom domain name:
Creating api mapping: /
Resources deployed:
  - Lambda ARN: arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:0123456789:function:customdomain-dev
  - Rest API URL:
  - Custom domain name:
      HostedZoneId: Z1UJRXOUMOOFQ8

If you’re using Route53 to manage your hosted zone, you’ll need to create an Alias record using the HostedZoneId and AliasDomainName specified in the output of chalice deploy. If you’re using a third party domain registrar, you’ll need to create a CNAME record to the AliasDomainName. If you’d like a step-by-step example of how to do this with Route53, see the Custom Domain Names tutorial.

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