Configuration File

Whenever you create a new project using chalice new-project, a .chalice directory is created for you. In this directory is a config.json file that you can use to control what happens when you chalice deploy:

$ tree -a
├── .chalice
│   └── config.json
└── requirements.txt

1 directory, 3 files

Stage Specific Configuration

As of version 0.7.0 of chalice, you can specify configuration that is specific to a chalice stage as well as configuration that should be shared across all stages. See the Chalice Stages doc for more information about chalice stages.

  • stages - This value of this key is a mapping of chalice stage name to stage configuration. Chalice assumes a default stage name of dev. If you run the chalice new-project command on chalice 0.7.0 or higher, this key along with the default dev key will automatically be created for you. See the examples section below for some stage specific configurations.

The following config values can either be specified per stage config or as a top level key which is not tied to a specific stage. Whenever a stage specific configuration value is needed, the stages mapping is checked first. If no value is found then the top level keys will be checked.


The endpoint configuration of the deployed API Gateway which determines how the API will be accessed, can be EDGE, REGIONAL, PRIVATE. Note this value can only be set as a top level key and defaults to EDGE. For more information see


When configuring a Private API a VPC Endpoint id must be specified to configure a default resource policy on the API if an explicit policy is not specified. This value can be a list or a string of endpoint ids.


A file pointing to an IAM resource policy for the REST API. If not specified chalice will autogenerate this policy when endpoint_type is PRIVATE. This filename is relative to the .chalice directory.


The name of the API gateway stage. This will also be the URL prefix for your API (https://endpoint/prefix/your-api).


A boolean value that indicates if chalice should try to automatically generate an IAM policy based on analyzing your application source code. The default value is true. If this value is false then chalice will try to load an IAM policy from disk at .chalice/policy-<stage-name>.json instead of auto-generating a policy from source code analysis. You can change the filename by providing the iam_policy_file config option. See IAM Roles and Policies for examples of how to configure IAM roles and policies.


A mapping of key value pairs. These key value pairs will be set as environment variables in your application. All environment variables must be strings. If this key is specified in both a stage specific config option as well as a top level key, the stage specific environment variables will be merged into the top level keys. See the Environment Variables section below for a concrete example.


When autogen_policy is false, Chalice will try to load an IAM policy from disk instead of auto-generating one based on source code analysis. The default location of this file is .chalice/policy-<stage-name>.json, e.g .chalice/policy-dev.json, .chalice/policy-prod.json, etc. You can change the filename by providing this iam_policy_file config option. This filename is relative to the .chalice directory. For example, this config will create an IAM role using the file in .chalice/my-policy.json:

  "version": "2.0",
  "app_name": "app",
  "stages": {
    "dev": {
      "autogen_policy": false,
      "iam_policy_file": "my-policy.json"

See IAM Roles and Policies for more examples of how to configure IAM roles and policies.


If manage_iam_role is false, you must specify this value that indicates which IAM role arn to use when configuration your application. This value is only used if manage_iam_role is false. See IAM Roles and Policies for examples of how to configure IAM roles and policies.


An integer representing the amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function is given. AWS Lambda uses this memory size to infer the amount of CPU allocated to your function. The default lambda_memory_size value is 128. The value must be a multiple of 64 MB.


An integer representing the function execution time, in seconds, at which AWS Lambda should terminate the function. The default lambda_timeout is 60 seconds.


A list of Lambda Layers arns. This value can be provided per stage as well as per Lambda function. See AWS Lambda Layers Configuration.


A boolean value that indicates whether chalice will automatically construct a single stage layer for all Lambda functions with requirements.txt libraries and vendored libraries. Boolean value defaults to false if not specified. See 3rd Party Packages for more information.


A mapping of key value pairs. The following are required keys when specifying an api_gateway_custom_domain:

  • domain_name: The custom domain name to associated with the REST API (

  • certificate_arn: the ARN of ACM certificate for the current domain name. If you’re using a REGIONAL endpoint type for your API, the ACM certificate must be in the same region as your API. If you’re using an EDGE endpoint type, the certificate must be in us-east-1.

You can also provide the following optional configuration:

  • tls_version - The Transport Layer Security (TLS) version of the security policy for this domain name. Defaults to TLS_1_2, you can also provide TLS_1_0 for REST APIs.

  • url_prefix - A custom domain name plus a url_prefix (BasePathMapping) specification identifies a deployed REST API in a given stage. With custom domain names, you can set up your API’s hostname, and choose a base path (for example, myservice) to map the alternative URL to your API (for example If you don’t set any url_prefix, the resulting API’s base URL is the same as the custom domain (for example

  • tags - A dictionary of tags with the keys being the tag key, and the values being the value for the tag.

See the Custom Domain Names documentation for more information on configuring your Chalice application with a custom domain name.

See AWS Custom Domain names setup for the API Gateway documentation on configuring a custom domain name.


A mapping of key value pairs. The following are required keys when specifying a websocket_api_custom_domain:

  • domain_name: The custom domain name to associated with the REST API (

  • certificate_arn: the ARN of ACM certificate for the current domain name. If you’re using a REGIONAL endpoint type for your API, the ACM certificate must be in the same region as your API. If you’re using an EDGE endpoint type, the certificate must be in us-east-1.

You can also provide the following optional configuration:

  • tls_version - The Transport Layer Security (TLS) version of the security policy for this domain name. Defaults to TLS_1_2, you can also provide TLS_1_0 for REST APIs.

  • url_prefix - A custom domain name plus a url_prefix (BasePathMapping) specification identifies a deployed REST API in a given stage. With custom domain names, you can set up your API’s hostname, and choose a base path (for example, myservice) to map the alternative URL to your API (for example If you don’t set any url_prefix, the resulting API’s base URL is the same as the custom domain (for example

  • tags - A dictionary of tags with the keys being the tag key, and the values being the value for the tag.

See the Custom Domain Names documentation for more information on configuring your Chalice application with a custom domain name.

See AWS Custom Domain names setup for the API Gateway documentation on configuring a custom domain name.


true/false. Indicates if you want chalice to create and update the IAM role used for your application. By default, this value is true. However, if you have a pre-existing role you’ve created, you can set this value to false and a role will not be created or updated. "manage_iam_role": false means that you are responsible for managing the role and any associated policies associated with that role. If this value is false you must specify an iam_role_arn, otherwise an error is raised when you try to run chalice deploy.


An integer value that indicates the minimum compression size to apply to the API gateway. If this key is specified in both a stage specific config option as well as a top level key, the stage specific key will override the top level key for the given stage. For more information check out the Service Docs


An integer representing each function’s reserved concurrency. This value can be provided per stage as well as per Lambda function. AWS Lambda reserves this value of concurrency to each lambda deployed in this stage. If the value is set to 0, invocations to this function are blocked. If the value is unset, there will be no reserved concurrency allocations. For more information, see AWS Documentation on managing concurrency.


A list of subnet ids for VPC configuration. This value can be provided per stage as well as per Lambda function. In order for this value to take effect, you must also provide the security_group_ids value. When both values are provided and autogen_policy is True, chalice will automatically update your IAM role with the necessary permissions to create, describe, and delete ENIs. If you are managing the IAM role policy yourself, make sure to update your permissions accordingly, as described in the AWS Lambda VPC documentation.


A list of security groups for VPC configuration. This value can be provided per stage as well as per Lambda function. In order for this value to take effect, you must also provide the subnet_ids value.


A mapping of key value pairs. These key value pairs will be set as the tags on the resources running your deployed application. All tag keys and values must be strings. Similar to environment_variables, if a key is specified in both a stage specific config option as well as a top level key, the stage specific tags will be merged into the top level keys. By default, all chalice deployed resources are tagged with the key 'aws-chalice' whose value is 'version={chalice-version}:stage={stage-name}:app={app-name}'. Currently only the following chalice deployed resources are tagged: Lambda functions.


A boolean that turns on AWS XRay’s Active tracing configuration. This will turn on XRay for both Lambda functions and API Gateway stages.


An integer value that indicates the retention time to be applied to lambda function log groups. Only certain values are valid, see the AWS CloudWatch Logs docs


If you using the chalice package command to generate a CloudFormation template, a Log Group resource will be added to your template with the configured log_retention_in_days. This will cause your deployment to fail if this Log Group resource already exists (i.e. if the associated Lambda function has previously been invoked which results in Lambda automatically created a Log Group for the function). In order to use this configuration option, it should be part of the initial deployment of the Lambda function.

Lambda Specific Configuration

In addition to a chalice stage, there are also some configuration values that can be specified per Lambda function. A chalice app can have many stages, and a stage can have many Lambda functions.

You have the option to specify configuration for a lambda function across all your stages, or for a lambda function in a specific stage.

To configure per lambda configuration for a specific stage, you add a lambda_functions key in your stage configuration:

  "version": "2.0",
  "app_name": "app",
  "stages": {
    "dev": {
      "lambda_functions": {
        "foo": {
          "lambda_timeout": 120

To specify per lambda configuration across all stages, you add a top level lambda_functions key:

  "version": "2.0",
  "app_name": "app",
  "lambda_functions": {
    "foo": {
      "lambda_timeout": 120

Each key in the lambda_functions dictionary is the name of a Lambda function in your app. The value is a dictionary of configuration that will be applied to that function. These are the configuration options that can be applied per function:

  • autogen_policy

  • environment_variables

  • iam_policy_file

  • iam_role_arn

  • lambda_memory_size

  • lambda_timeout

  • layers

  • manage_iam_role

  • reserved_concurrency

  • security_group_ids

  • subnet_ids

  • tags

  • log_retention_in_days

See the Stage Specific Configuration section above for a description of these config options.

In general, the name of your lambda function will correspond to the name of the function in your app. For example:

def foo(event, context):

To specify configuration for this function, you would use the key of foo in the lambda_functions configuration.

There is one exception to this, which is any python function decorated with the @app.route() decorator. Chalice uses a single Lambda function for all requests from API gateway, and this name is api_handler. So if you have an app like this:

def index(): pass

def other_handler(): pass

Then to specify configuration values for the underlying lambda function, which index() and other_handler() share, you would specify:

   "lambda_functions": {
     "api_handler": {
       "subnet_ids": ["sn-1", "sn-2"],
       "security_group_ids": ["sg-10", "sg-11"],
       "layers": ["layer-arn-1", "layer-arn-2"],


Below are examples that show how you can configure your chalice app.

Custom Domain Name

Here’s an example for configuring Custom domain name for dev stage for REST API:

  "version": "2.0",
  "app_name": "app",
  "stages": {
    "dev": {
      "autogen_policy": true,
      "api_gateway_stage": "dev"
      "api_gateway_custom_domain": {
        "domain_name": "",
        "security_policy": "TLS 1.2|TLS 1.0",
        "certificate_arn": "",
        "url_prefixes": ["foo", "bar"],
        "tags": {
          "key": "tag1",
          "key1": "tag2"

In this config file we’re specifying dev stage for ApiGateway. In the dev stage, chalice will automatically create custom domain name with specified url_prefixes that should contain information about AWS Api Mapping key.

If there is Websocket API websocket_api_custom_domain should be used instead of api_gateway_custom_domain.

IAM Roles and Policies

Here’s an example for configuring IAM policies across stages:

  "version": "2.0",
  "app_name": "app",
  "stages": {
    "dev": {
      "autogen_policy": true,
      "api_gateway_stage": "dev"
    "beta": {
      "autogen_policy": false,
      "iam_policy_file": "beta-app-policy.json"
    "prod": {
      "manage_iam_role": false,
      "iam_role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::...:role/prod-role"

In this config file we’re specifying three stages, dev, beta, and prod. In the dev stage, chalice will automatically generate an IAM policy based on analyzing the application source code. For the beta stage, chalice will load the .chalice/beta-app-policy.json file and use it as the policy to associate with the IAM role for that stage. In the prod stage, chalice won’t modify any IAM roles. It will just set the IAM role for the Lambda function to be arn:aws:iam::...:role/prod-role.

Here’s an example that shows config precedence:

  "version": "2.0",
  "app_name": "app",
  "api_gateway_stage": "api",
  "stages": {
    "dev": {
    "beta": {
    "prod": {
      "api_gateway_stage": "prod",
      "manage_iam_role": false,
      "iam_role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::...:role/prod-role"

In this config file, both the dev and beta stage will have an API gateway stage name of api because they will default to the top level api_gateway_stage key. However, the prod stage will have an API gateway stage name of prod because the api_gateway_stage is specified in {"stages": {"prod": ...}} mapping.

Environment Variables

In the following example, environment variables are specified both as top level keys as well as per stage. This allows us to provide environment variables that all stages should have as well as stage specific environment variables:

  "version": "2.0",
  "app_name": "app",
  "environment_variables": {
    "SHARED_CONFIG": "foo",
    "OTHER_CONFIG": "from-top"
  "stages": {
    "dev": {
      "environment_variables": {
        "TABLE_NAME": "dev-table",
        "OTHER_CONFIG": "dev-value"
    "prod": {
      "environment_variables": {
        "TABLE_NAME": "prod-table",
        "OTHER_CONFIG": "prod-value"

For the above config, the dev stage will have the following environment variables set:

  "SHARED_CONFIG": "foo",
  "TABLE_NAME": "dev-table",
  "OTHER_CONFIG": "dev-value",

The prod stage will have these environment variables set:

  "SHARED_CONFIG": "foo",
  "TABLE_NAME": "prod-table",
  "OTHER_CONFIG": "prod-value",

Per Lambda Examples

Suppose we had the following chalice app:

from chalice import Chalice

app = Chalice(app_name='demo')

def foo(event, context):

def bar(event, context):

Given these two functions, we’d like to configure the functions as follows:

  • Both functions should have an environment variable OWNER with value dev-team.

  • The foo function should have an autogenerated IAM policy managed by chalice.

  • The foo function should be run in a VPC with subnet ids sn-1 and sn-2, with security groups sg-10 and sg-11. Chalice should also automatically configure the IAM policy with permissions to modify EC2 network interfaces.

  • The foo function should have two connected layers as layer-arn-1 and layer-arn-2. Chalice should automatically configure the IAM policy.

  • The bar function should use a pre-existing IAM role that was created outside of chalice. Chalice should not perform an IAM role management for the bar function.

  • The bar function should have an environment variable TABLE_NAME with value mytable.

We can accomplish all this with this config file:

  "stages": {
    "dev": {
      "environment_variables": {
        "OWNER": "dev-team"
      "api_gateway_stage": "api",
      "lambda_functions": {
        "foo": {
          "subnet_ids": ["sn-1", "sn-2"],
          "security_group_ids": ["sg-10", "sg-11"],
          "layers": ["layer-arn-1", "layer-arn-2"],
        "bar": {
          "manage_iam_role": false,
          "iam_role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::my-role-name",
          "environment_variables": {"TABLE_NAME": "mytable"}
  "version": "2.0",
  "app_name": "demo"
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