YAML Patch Overrides
Overriding CloudFormation templates is an advanced feature which can cause your stacks to not deploy successfully.
Please use with caution!
Copilot generates CloudFormation templates using configuration specified in the manifest.
However, not all CloudFormation properties are configurable in the manifest.
For example, you might want to configure the Ulimits
for your workload container, but the property is not exposed in manifests.
Overrides with yamlpatch
or cdk
allow you to add, delete, or replace any property or resource in a CloudFormation template.
When should I use YAML Patch over CDK overrides?
Both options are a "break the glass" mechanism to access and configure functionality that is not surfaced by Copilot manifests.
We recommend using YAML patch over the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) overrides if 1) you do not want to have a dependency on any other tooling and framework (such as Node.js and the CDK), or 2) you have to write only a handful modifications.
How to get started
You can extend your CloudFormation template with YAML patches by running the copilot [noun] override
For example, you can run copilot svc override
to update the template of a Load Balanced Web Service.
The command will generate a sample cfn.patches.yml
file under the copilot/[name]/overrides
How does it work?
The syntax of cfn.patches.yml
conforms to RFC6902: JSON Patch. Currently,
the CLI supports three operations: add
, remove
, and replace
. Here is a sample cfn.patches.yml
- op: add
path: /Mappings
test: { Cpu: 256, Mem: 512 }
prod: { Cpu: 1024, Mem: 1024}
- op: remove
path: /Resources/TaskRole
- op: replace
path: /Resources/TaskDefinition/Properties/ContainerDefinitions/1/Essential
value: false
- op: add
path: /Resources/Service/Properties/ServiceConnectConfiguration/Services/0/ClientAliases/-
Port: !Ref TargetPort
DnsName: yamlpatchiscool
Each patch is applied sequentially to the CloudFormation template. The resulting template becomes the target of the next patch. Evaluation continues until all patches are successfully applied or an error is encountered.
Path evaluation
The path
field of a patch conforms to the RFC6901: JSON Pointer syntax.
- Each
value is separated by the/
character and evaluation stops once the target CloudFormation property is reached. - If the target path is an array, the reference token must be either:
- characters comprised of digits starting at 0.
- exactly the single character
when the operation isadd
, to append to the array.
Additional Examples
To add a new property to an existing resource:
- op: add
path: /Resources/LogGroup/Properties/Tags
- Key: keyname
Value: value1
To add a new property in a specific index of an array:
- op: add
path: /Resources/TaskDefinition/Properties/ContainerDefinitions/0/EnvironmentFiles/0
value: arn:aws:s3:::bucket_name/key_name
To add a new element at the end of an array:
- op: add
path: /Resources/TaskRole/Properties/Policies/-
PolicyName: DynamoDBReader
Version: "2012-10-17"
- Effect: Allow
- dynamodb:Get*
Resource: '*'
To replace an existing property's value:
- op: replace
path: /Resources/LogGroup/Properties/RetentionInDays
value: 60
To delete an element from an array, you must reference the exact index:
- op: remove
path: /Resources/ExecutionRole/Properties/Policies/0/PolicyDocument/Statement/1/Action/0
To delete an entire resource:
- op: remove
path: /Resources/ExecutionRole