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Known Limits and Service Quotas

Amazon EKS can be used for a variety of workloads and can interact with a wide range of AWS services, and we have seen customer workloads encounter a similar range of AWS service quotas and other issues that hamper scalability.

Your AWS account has default quotas (an upper limit on the number of each AWS resource your team can request). Each AWS service defines their own quota, and quotas are generally region-specific. You can request increases for some quotas (soft limits), and other quotas cannot be increased (hard limits). You should consider these values when architecting your applications. Consider reviewing these service limits periodically and incorporate them during in your application design.

You can review the usage in your account and open a quota increase request at the AWS Service Quotas console, or using the AWS CLI. Refer to the AWS documentation from the respective AWS Service for more details on the Service Quotas and any further restrictions or notices on their increase.


Amazon EKS Service Quotas lists the service quotas and has links to request increases where available.

Other AWS Service Quotas

We have seen EKS customers impacted by the quotas listed below for other AWS services. Some of these may only apply to specific use cases or configurations, however you may consider if your solution will encounter any of these as it scales. The Quotas are organized by Service and each Quota has an ID in the format of L-XXXXXXXX you can use to look it up in the AWS Service Quotas console

Service Quota (L-xxxxx) Impact ID (L-xxxxx) default
IAM Roles per account Can limit the number of clusters or IRSA roles in an account. L-FE177D64 1,000
IAM OpenId connect providers per account Can limit the number of Clusters per account, OpenID Connect is used by IRSA L-858F3967 100
IAM Role trust policy length Can limit the number of of clusters an IAM role is associated with for IRSA L-C07B4B0D 2,048
VPC Security groups per network interface Can limit the control or connectivity of the networking for your cluster L-2AFB9258 5
VPC IPv4 CIDR blocks per VPC Can limit the number of EKS Worker Nodes L-83CA0A9D 5
VPC Routes per route table Can limit the control or connectivity of the networking for your cluster L-93826ACB 50
VPC Active VPC peering connections per VPC Can limit the control or connectivity of the networking for your cluster L-7E9ECCDB 50
VPC Inbound or outbound rules per security group. Can limit the control or connectivity of the networking for your cluster, some controllers in EKS create new rules L-0EA8095F 50
VPC VPCs per Region Can limit the number of Clusters per account or the control or connectivity of the networking for your cluster L-F678F1CE 5
VPC Internet gateways per Region Can limit the number of Clusters per account or the control or connectivity of the networking for your cluster L-A4707A72 5
VPC Network interfaces per Region Can limit the number of EKS Worker nodes, or Impact EKS control plane scaling/update activities. L-DF5E4CA3 5,000
VPC Network Address Usage Can limit the number of Clusters per account or the control or connectivity of the networking for your cluster L-BB24F6E5 64,000
VPC Peered Network Address Usage Can limit the number of Clusters per account or the control or connectivity of the networking for your cluster L-CD17FD4B 128,000
ELB Listeners per Network Load Balancer Can limit the control of traffic ingress to the cluster. L-57A373D6 50
ELB Target Groups per Region Can limit the control of traffic ingress to the cluster. L-B22855CB 3,000
ELB Targets per Application Load Balancer Can limit the control of traffic ingress to the cluster. L-7E6692B2 1,000
ELB Targets per Network Load Balancer Can limit the control of traffic ingress to the cluster. L-EEF1AD04 3,000
ELB Targets per Availability Zone per Network Load Balancer Can limit the control of traffic ingress to the cluster. L-B211E961 500
ELB Targets per Target Group per Region Can limit the control of traffic ingress to the cluster. L-A0D0B863 1,000
ELB Application Load Balancers per Region Can limit the control of traffic ingress to the cluster. L-53DA6B97 50
ELB Classic Load Balancers per Region Can limit the control of traffic ingress to the cluster. L-E9E9831D 20
ELB Network Load Balancers per Region Can limit the control of traffic ingress to the cluster. L-69A177A2 50
EC2 Running On-Demand Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) instances (as a maximum vCPU count) Can limit the number of EKS Worker Nodes L-1216C47A 5
EC2 All Standard (A, C, D, H, I, M, R, T, Z) Spot Instance Requests (as a maximum vCPU count) Can limit the number of EKS Worker Nodes L-34B43A08 5
EC2 EC2-VPC Elastic IPs Can limit the number of NAT GWs (and thus VPCs), which may limit the number of clusters in a region L-0263D0A3 5
EBS Snapshots per Region Can limit the backup strategy for stateful workloads L-309BACF6 100,000
EBS Storage for General Purpose SSD (gp3) volumes, in TiB Can limit the number of EKS Worker Nodes, or PersistentVolume storage L-7A658B76 50
EBS Storage for General Purpose SSD (gp2) volumes, in TiB Can limit the number of EKS Worker Nodes, or PersistentVolume storage L-D18FCD1D 50
ECR Registered repositories Can limit the number of workloads in your clusters L-CFEB8E8D 10,000
ECR Images per repository Can limit the number of workloads in your clusters L-03A36CE1 10,000
SecretsManager Secrets per Region Can limit the number of workloads in your clusters L-2F66C23C 500,000

AWS Request Throttling

AWS services also implement request throttling to ensure that they remain performant and available for all customers. Simliar to Service Quotas, each AWS service maintains their own request throttling thresholds. Consider reviewing the respective AWS Service documentation if your workloads will need to quickly issue a large number of API calls or if you notice request throttling errors in your application.

EC2 API requests around provisioning EC2 network interfaces or IP addresses can encounter request throttling in large clusters or when clusters scale drastically. The table below shows some of the API actions that we have seen customers encounter request throttling from. You can review the EC2 rate limit defaults and the steps to request a rate limit increase in the EC2 documentation on Rate Throttling.

Mutating Actions Read-only Actions
AssignPrivateIpAddresses DescribeDhcpOptions
AttachNetworkInterface DescribeInstances
CreateNetworkInterface DescribeNetworkInterfaces
DeleteNetworkInterface DescribeSecurityGroups
DeleteTags DescribeTags
DetachNetworkInterface DescribeVpcs
ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute DescribeVolumes

Other Known Limits