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Namespace BackgroundFilter_VideoFX_Processor

This section explains how to programmatically filter video backgrounds by using background blur 2.0 and background replacement 2.0. To add a background filter to a video stream, you need to create a VideoFxProcessor that contains a VideoFxConfig object. You then insert that processor into a VideoTransformDevice.

The background filter processor uses a TensorFlow Lite machine learning model, JavaScript Web Workers, and WebAssembly to apply a filter to the background of each frame in the video stream. These assets are downloaded at runtime when you create a VideoFxProcessor.

The new background blur and replacement filters are integrated into the browser demo application on GitHub. To try it out, launch the demo with npm run start, join the meeting, then click the camera to enable video. From the video filter drop down, choose one of the Background Blur 2.0 or Background Replacement 2.0 options.


About using background filters

Using the cross-origin opener policy

To limit memory usage, the module prefers to use a SharedArrayBuffer for processing. However, this requires that you carefully configure web security. You must set both of these headers when serving your application HTML:

Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp

The server must set these because they have no meta-tag equivalents. If you don't set these headers, the background filters may use slightly more RAM.

Background filters can be CPU-intensive and GPU-intensive. Some mobile devices and lower-specification laptop or desktop computers may not have the power to run the filters along with multiple video streams.

SIMD support

Background filters are more efficient in environments that support Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD). The filters use less CPU for a given complexity level when you enable SIMD. Low-powered devices running browsers without SIMD support may not run background filters.

WebGL2 support

The VideoFxProcessor object requires browsers that support WebGL2 in order to access the GPU on the client device.

Content delivery and bandwidth

An Amazon content delivery network loads the machine-learning-model files for background filters at runtime. This provides low-latency global distribution without the need to serve a full suite of files as part of your application. However, loading model files can add latency to parts of your application. To help mitigate that impact, browsers cache the model files indefinitely. That cache makes subsequent loads significantly faster. As a best practice, check for supported browsers, then create the background filter resources when users may not notice any latency. For example, you can download model files while users wait in a lobby, or while they use a device picker.

Your application must connect to the following:

  • Amazon Chime SDK media services.
  • Amazon CloudFront via HTTPS (port 443).

All requests are to subdomains of sdkassets.chime.aws. Applications that can't access the content delivery network or don't include the correct domain in their content security policy will fail their support checks and be unable to use the filters.

For more information about CloudFront’s IP address ranges, see Locations and IP address ranges of CloudFront edge servers in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.

Browser compatibility

The following table lists the browsers and version that support background filters.

Browser Minimum supported version
Firefox 76+
Chromium-based browsers and environments, including Edge and Electron 78+
Android Chrome 110+
Safari on macOS 16.3+
Safari on iOS (iPhone, iPad) 16.x
Chrome on iOS 110.0.0.x.x
Firefox on iOS (iPhone iPad) 111.0+

VideoFxProcessor began offering Android support in version 3.14. For Android device support on versions prior to 3.14, please use BackgroundBlurVideoFrameProcessor and BackgroundReplacementVideoFrameProcessor. You can find the guide at https://aws.github.io/amazon-chime-sdk-js/modules/backgroundfilter_video_processor.html.

Using a Content Security Policy

Modern web applications use Content Security Policy to protect users from certain classes of attacks. An application that utilizes the VideoFxProcessor will need to include the following in policy directives to allow the Amazon Chime SDK access to resources it needs at runtime:

Required CSP Directives

Script Policy

To function, the VideoFxProcessor class must load JavaScript classes at runtime from an Amazon-owned CDN. These classes implement post-processing for video using WebGL2. To grant an application access to fetching and running these classes, you must include the following directives:

script-src       'self' blob: https://*.sdkassets.chime.aws
script-src-elem  'self' blob: https://*.sdkassets.chime.aws

Please note that script-src and script-src-elem directives are both required for full support on Safari and Firefox browsers.

Worker Policy

The VideoFxProcessor loads JavaScript classes as a blob to run a web worker thread, which processes video using Machine Learning (ML) models. To grant an application access to fetching and using this worker, include:

worker-src       'self' blob: https://*.sdkassets.chime.aws

WebAssembly Policy

The VideoFxProcessor loads a WebAssembly (Wasm) module from the same Amazon-owned CDN. In Chrome 95 and later, compiled Wasm modules cannot be passed across multiple module boundaries. To allow fetching and instantiating these modules, please also include 'wasm-unsafe-eval' to the script-src directive.

One can read further on the Content Security Policy’s documentation for WebAssembly here. Ideally the wasm-eval tag would be better used, however it yet to gain official standardization. Correspondence on the directive can be found here.

Optional CSP Directives

Background Image Policy

To use the background replacement filter with a dynamically loaded background image, VideoFxProcessor must be able to access the image. Include a connect-src directive with the domain that hosts the image.

Example CSP Declaration

Here is an example csp declaration to permit the use of the VideoFxProcessor. Please note that the definitions in the connect-src tag are not VideoFxProcessor specfic but are related to video/audio in Chime meetings.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" 
  content= "base-uri         'self';
  connect-src      'self' https://*.chime.aws wss://*.chime.aws https://*.amazonaws.com wss://*.chime.aws https://*.ingest.chime.aws;
  script-src       'self' blob: 'wasm-unsafe-eval' https://*.sdkassets.chime.aws;
  script-src-elem  'self' blob: https://*.sdkassets.chime.aws;
  worker-src       'self' blob: https://*.sdkassets.chime.aws;

CSP Errors

If any any of the required directives are omitted then the VideoFxProcessor will not be able to properly instantiate and the processor will be unsupported. Additionally, the following (or similar) errors will likely appear in the browser console:

Refused to connect to
because it violates the document's content security policy.

Adding background filters to your application

The process of adding background filters follows these broad steps:

  • Check for supported browsers.
  • Create a VideoFxConfig object with the configuration you’d like to use.
  • Use the configuration object to create a VideoFxProcessor object.
  • Include the VideoFxProcessor object in a VideoTransformDevice .
  • Use the VideoTransformDevice to start the video input.

Note To complete those steps, you must first:

  • Create a Logger.
  • Choose a video device of class MediaDeviceInfo.
  • Successfully join a MeetingSession.

Steps in the following sections explain how to complete the process.

Checking for support before offering a filter

The Amazon Chime SDK provides an asynchronous static method that checks for supported browsers and attempts to download the required assets. However, it does not check for device performance. As a best practice, always ensure the users' browsers and devices can support the filters before you offer the filters.

import {
} from 'amazon-chime-sdk-js';

if (!await VideoFxProcessor.isSupported(logger)) {     
    // logger is optional for isSupported

Creating a VideoFxConfig object

You can define configurations for backgroundBlur and backgroundReplacement in the same object. However, you can't set isEnabled to true for both filters at the same time. That's an invalid configuration.

The VideoFxConfig class does no validation of its own. Validation occurs in the next step.

The following example shows a valid VideoFxConfig.

const videoFxConfig: VideoFxConfig = {
    backgroundBlur: {
        isEnabled: false,
        strength: 'medium'
    backgroundReplacement: {
        isEnabled: false,
        backgroundImageURL: 'space.jpg',
        defaultColor: undefined,

The following tables list the VideoFxProcessor properties that you can specify in the VideoFxConfig object.

Background blur Background blur takes the following properties:

Property Type Description
isEnabled boolean When true, the filter blurs the background.
strength string Determines the extent of blurring. Valid values: low | medium | high.

Background replacement Background replacement takes the following parameters:

Property Type Description
isEnabled boolean When true, the filter replaces the background.
backgroundImageURL string The URL of the background image. The filter resizes the image dynamically to the dimensions of the current screen. You can use a string such as https://... or a data URL such as data:image/jpeg;base64.
defaultColor string A hex color string such as 000000 or FFFFFF, or a string such as black or white. If you don't specify an image URL, the processor uses the defaultColor as the background. If you don't specify a defaultColor the processor defaults to black.

Creating a VideoFxProcessor object

When creating the VideoFxProcessor object, AWS servers download the runtime assets, or a browser cache loads the assets. If network or CSP configurations prevent access to the assets, the VideoFxProcessor.create operation throws an exception. The resulting VideoFxProcessor is configured as a no-op processor, which won’t affect the video stream.

let videoFxProcessor: VideoFxProcessor | undefined = undefined;
try {
  videoFxProcessor = await VideoFxProcessor.create(logger, videoFxConfig);
} catch (error) {

VideoFxProcessor.create also attempts to load the image from backgroundReplacement.backgroundImageURL. If the image fails to load, the processor throws an exception. The processor also throws exceptions for other reasons, such as invalid configurations, unsupported browsers, or underpowered hardware.

Changing a configuration at runtime You can change a VideoFxProcessor configuration at runtime by using the videoFxProcessor.setEffectConfig parameter. The following example shows how to enable background replacement and disable background blur.

Note You can only specify one type of background replacement at a time. Specify a value for backgroundImageURL or defaultColor, but not both.

videoFxConfig.backgroundBlur.isEnabled = false;
videoFxConfig.backgroundReplacement.isEnabled = true;
try {
  await videoFxProcessor.setEffectConfig(videoFxConfig);
} catch(error) {

If setEffectConfig throws an exception, the previous configuration remains in effect. setEffectConfig throws exceptions under conditions similar to those that cause VideoFxProcessor.create to throw exceptions.

The following example shows how to change a background image while the video runs.

videoFxConfig.backgroundReplacement.backgroundImageURL = "https://my-domain.com/my-other-image.jpg";
try {
  await videoFxProcessor.setEffectConfig(videoFxConfig);
} catch(error) {

Creating the VideoTransformDevice object

The following example shows how to create a VideoTransformDevice object that contains the VideoFxProcessor.

// assuming that logger and videoInputDevice have already been set    
const videoTransformDevice = new DefaultVideoTransformDevice(

Tuning resource utilization

When creating the VideoFxProcessor, you can supply the optional processingBudgetPerFrame parameter and control the amount of CPU and GPU that the filters use.

let videoFxProcessor: VideoFxProcessor | undefined = undefined;
const processingBudgetPerFrame = 50;
try {
  videoFxProcessor = await VideoFxProcessor.create(logger, videoFxConfig, processingBudgetPerFrame);
} catch (error) {

The VideoFxProcessor requires time to process a frame. The amount of time depends on the device, the browser, and what else is running in the browser or on the device. The processor uses the concept of a budget to target the amount of time used to process and render each frame.

Processing time is in milliseconds. As an example of how to use a budget, 1 second has 1000ms. Targeting 15 frames per second of video capture results in a total budget of 1000ms/15fps = 66ms. You can set a budget of 50% of that, or 33ms, by supplying the value 50 in the processingBudgetPerFrame parameter, as shown in the example above.

The VideoFxProcessor then tries to process the frames within the budget specified. If processing runs over budget, the processor reduces visual quality to stay within budget. The processor continues to reduce visual quality to a minimum, at which point it stops reducing. This processing duration is measured continually, so if more resources become available, such as another app closing and freeing up CPU, the processor raises visual quality again until it hits the budget, or maximum visual quality is achieved.

If you don't supply a value to processingBudgetPerFrame, the VideoFxProcessor defaults to 50.

Starting video input

The following example shows how to use the VideoTransformDevice object to start video input.

// assuming that meetingSession has already been created
await meetingSession.audioVideo.startVideoInput(videoTransformDevice);

Stopping video input

The following example shows how to stop video input.

await meetingSession.audioVideo.stopVideoInput();

Example background filter

The following example shows how to implement the filters.

import {
} from 'amazon-chime-sdk-js';

let videoTransformDevice: VideoTransformDevice | undefined = undefined;
let videoFxProcessor: VideoFxProcessor | undefined = undefined;

const videoFxConfig: VideoFxConfig = {
    backgroundBlur: {
        isEnabled: false,
        strength: "medium"
    backgroundReplacement: {
        isEnabled: false,
        backgroundImageURL: 'space.jpg',
        defaultColor: undefined,

export const addEffectsToMeeting = async (videoInputDevice: MediaDeviceInfo, meetingSession: MeetingSession, logger: Logger): Promise<void> => {
    try {
        videoFxProcessor = await VideoFxProcessor.create(logger, videoFxConfig);
    } catch (error) {

    videoTransformDevice = new DefaultVideoTransformDevice(

    await meetingSession.audioVideo.startVideoInput(videoTransformDevice);

export const enableReplacement = async (logger: Logger) => {
    videoFxConfig.backgroundBlur.isEnabled = false;
    videoFxConfig.backgroundReplacement.isEnabled = true;
    await updateVideoFxConfig(videoFxConfig, logger);

export const enableBlur = async (logger: Logger) => {
    videoFxConfig.backgroundReplacement.isEnabled = false;
    videoFxConfig.backgroundBlur.isEnabled = true;
    await updateVideoFxConfig(videoFxConfig, logger);

export const pauseEffects = async (logger: Logger) => {
    videoFxConfig.backgroundReplacement.isEnabled = false;
    videoFxConfig.backgroundBlur.isEnabled = false;
    await updateVideoFxConfig(videoFxConfig, logger);


export const setReplacementImage = async (newImageUrl: string, logger: Logger) => {
    videoFxConfig.backgroundReplacement.backgroundImageURL = newImageUrl;
    videoFxConfig.backgroundReplacement.defaultColor = undefined;
    await updateVideoFxConfig(videoFxConfig, logger);

export const setReplacementDefaultColor = async (newHexColor: string, logger: Logger) => {
    videoFxConfig.backgroundReplacement.defaultColor = newHexColor;
    videoFxConfig.backgroundReplacement.backgroundImageURL = undefined;
    await updateVideoFxConfig(videoFxConfig, logger);

export const setBlurStrength = async (newStrength: number, logger: Logger) => {
    videoFxConfig.backgroundBlur.strength = VideoFxTypeConversion.useBackgroundBlurStrengthType(newStrength);
    await updateVideoFxConfig(videoFxConfig, logger);

export const updateVideoFxConfig = async (config: VideoFxConfig, logger: Logger) => {
    try {
        await videoFxProcessor.setEffectConfig(videoFxConfig);
    } catch (error) {

export const turnOffEffects = () => {
    const innerDevice = await videoTransformDevice?.intrinsicDevice();
    await videoTransformDevice?.stop();
    videoTransformDevice = undefined;
    videoFxProcessor = undefined;
    await meetingSession.audioVideo.startVideoInput(innerDevice);

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