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Namespace Migrationto_2_0


Installation involves adjusting your package.json to depend on version 2.0.0.

npm install --save amazon-chime-sdk-js@2

Interface changes

Version 2 of the Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript makes a small number of interface changes, as well as removing some deprecated interfaces.

In many cases you should not need to adjust your application code at all. This will be the case if:

  • You do not implement AudioVideoFacade or DeviceController yourself.
  • You do not explicitly call enableWebAudio on any instances of DeviceController or AudioVideoFacade, or use the MeetingSessionConfiguration field enableWebAudio.
  • You already handle errors in chooseAudioInputDevice with catch.
  • You neither directly call, nor implement, the bindAudio* methods on AudioMixController.

If your application does not meet all four criteria, read on.

Removing enableWebAudio

The enableWebAudio method on DefaultDeviceController would produce unexpected results if called after the first audio device was selected, and as a synchronous API it was not possible to reimplement it to behave correctly.

Additionally, it was not documented how the API should behave if Web Audio were to be disabled while in use, or how it should be implemented correctly by other DeviceController classes.

This API method has been removed entirely, along with the corresponding field on MeetingSessionConfiguration. The MeetingSession will no longer call enableWebAudio on the corresponding DeviceController.

Applications should instead use the constructor argument added to DefaultDeviceConfiguration to enable Web Audio at point of construction.

If your code looked like this:

const configuration = new MeetingSessionConfiguration(…);
configuration.enableWebAudio = true;

const deviceController = new DefaultDeviceController(logger);
this.meetingSession = new DefaultMeetingSession(configuration, logger, deviceController);
this.audioVideo = this.meetingSession.audioVideo;

change it to

const configuration = new MeetingSessionConfiguration(…);

const deviceController = new DefaultDeviceController(logger, { enableWebAudio: true });
this.meetingSession = new DefaultMeetingSession(configuration, logger, deviceController);
this.audioVideo = this.meetingSession.audioVideo;

If your code looked like this:

const configuration = new MeetingSessionConfiguration(…);

const deviceController = new DefaultDeviceController(logger);
this.meetingSession = new DefaultMeetingSession(configuration, logger, deviceController);
this.audioVideo = this.meetingSession.audioVideo;

const enableWebAudio = await checkWhetherWebAudioNeeded();

change it to

const configuration = new MeetingSessionConfiguration(…);
// …
const enableWebAudio = await checkWhetherWebAudioNeeded();
const deviceController = new DefaultDeviceController(logger, { enableWebAudio });
this.meetingSession = new DefaultMeetingSession(configuration, logger, deviceController);
this.audioVideo = this.meetingSession.audioVideo;

Update bindAudioElement(), bindAudioStream() and bindAudioDevice() to return Promise<void> instead of boolean

The bindAudioElement() API in AudioMixControllerFacade was previously a synchronous function which used to return boolean. Under the hood, it used to call setSinkId() which is an asynchronous function.

As part of this change, three APIs in AudioMixController were changed to return Promise<void>. These APIs are listed below.

// Old Syntax
bindAudioElement(element: HTMLAudioElement): boolean;
bindAudioStream(stream: MediaStream): boolean;
bindAudioDevice(device: MediaDeviceInfo | null): boolean;

// New Syntax
bindAudioElement(element: HTMLAudioElement): Promise<void>;
bindAudioStream(stream: MediaStream): Promise<void>;
bindAudioDevice(device: MediaDeviceInfo | null): Promise<void>;

Additionally, AudioMixController's constructor now takes an additional optional logger parameter. If the logger is passed, it will log the errors for any of the operations in AudioMixController.

constructor(private logger?: Logger) {}

If your code looked like this

audioMixController.bindAudioDevice({ deviceId: sinkId });
audioMixController.bindAudioElement(new Audio());

change it to

try {
  await audioMixController.bindAudioDevice({ deviceId: this.sinkId });
} catch (e) {
  console.error('Failed to bind audio device', e);
try {
  await audioMixController.bindAudioElement(new Audio());
} catch (e) {
  console.error('Failed to bind audio element', e);
await audioMixController.bindAudioStream(destinationStream.stream);

Additionally, if the browser does not support setSinkId() API, the bindAudioDevice() will throw an error with a message 'Cannot select audio output device. This browser does not support setSinkId.' Check https://caniuse.com/?search=setSinkId for the setSinkId browser support.

Introducing AudioInputDevice and VideoInputDevice

These two types describe DeviceController's methods for selecting audio and video inputs respectively. They both include the space of Devices, which are the 'intrinsic' device kinds provided by the browser: identifiers, constraints, and streams. AudioInputDevice extends these by adding the concept of an AudioTransformDevice, which can rewrite an inner device on request, and optionally provide an arbitrary Web Audio graph to use as an additional transformation pipeline.

You can use AudioTransformDevice to implement effects such as reverb, gain, etc.

Because chooseAudioInputDevice and chooseVideoInputDevice now have new type signatures, if you implement the related interfaces (AudioVideoFacade or DeviceController) yourself, you will need to adjust your code.

If you have an implementation like:

class MyDeviceController implements DeviceController {
  async chooseAudioInputDevice(device: Device): Promise<void> {
    // device must be a string, stream, constraints, or null.
    // …
    return permission;

you must change your code to be:

import {
  // …
} from 'amazon-chime-sdk-js';

class MyDeviceController implements DeviceController {
  async chooseAudioInputDevice(device: AudioInputDevice): Promise<void> {
    if (isAudioTransformDevice(device)) {
      // Handle transform devices, should you need to.
      throw new Error('My app does not use transform devices.');
    // Previous code can remain unchanged.
    // …

A similar adjustment is needed for VideoInputDevice. v2.0 does not include any VideoTransformDevices.

If you use the type Device for a field or variable and pass that value to choose{Audio,Video}InputDevice, your code should continue to work without changes.

Introducing the GetUserMediaError type

v2.0 introduces new error types which will be thrown in case of any failures in chooseAudioInputDevice and chooseVideoInputDevice APIs in the DeviceController.

Here is the list of new error classes introduced in version 2.0:

  • GetUserMediaError
    • NotFoundError
    • NotReadableError
    • OverconstrainedError
    • PermissionDeniedError
    • TypeError

Here is an example of handling PermissionDeniedError:

try {
  await this.audiovideo.chooseAudioInputDevice(device);
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof PermissionDeniedError) {
    console.error('Permission denied', e);

Introducing supportsSetSinkId() in DefaultBrowserBehavior

This new helper API returns a boolean true if the browser supports setSinkId(), otherwise returning false.

Here is how the code would look like:

if (!this.browserBehavior.supportsSetSinkId()) {
  throw new Error(
    'Cannot select audio output device. This browser does not support setSinkId.'
} else {
  console.log('The browser supports setSinkId() API');

Deprecating legacy screen share

From version 2.0 onwards, the Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript will no longer include the deprecated screen share API identified by ScreenShareFacade and ScreenShareViewFacade and all related code. Customers should use our Video Based Content Sharing detailed in our Content Share guide.

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