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Namespace Migrationto_3_0


Installation involves adjusting your package.json to depend on version 3.0.0.

npm install amazon-chime-sdk-js@3

Version 3 of the Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript makes a number of interface changes.

Device controller

Updates to the audio input API

We've changed chooseAudioInputDevice to startAudioInput because you can also pass non-device objects, such as MediaStream and MediaTrackConstraints.

const audioInputDeviceInfo = // An array item from meetingSession.audioVideo.listAudioInputDevices;

// Before
await meetingSession.audioVideo.chooseAudioInputDevice(audioInputDeviceInfo.deviceId);

// After
await meetingSession.audioVideo.startAudioInput(audioInputDeviceInfo.deviceId);

In v3, you should call stopAudioInput to stop sending an audio stream when your Chime SDK meeting ends.

const observer = {
  audioVideoDidStop: async sessionStatus => {
    // v3
    await meetingSession.audioVideo.stopAudioInput();

    // Or use the destroy API to call stopAudioInput and stopVideoInput.

Updates to the video input API

We've changed chooseVideoInputDevice to startVideoInput because you can also pass non-device objects, such as MediaStream and MediaTrackConstraints.

const videoInputDeviceInfo = // An array item from meetingSession.audioVideo.listVideoInputDevices;

// Before
await meetingSession.audioVideo.chooseVideoInputDevice(videoInputDeviceInfo.deviceId);

// After
await meetingSession.audioVideo.startVideoInput(videoInputDeviceInfo.deviceId);

In v3, you should call stopVideoInput to stop the video input stream. null is no longer a valid input for startVideoInput (null is also removed from Device type). Calling stopLocalVideoTile will stop sending the video stream to media server and unbind the video element, but it will not stop the video stream.

// Before
await meetingSession.audioVideo.chooseVideoInputDevice(null);
await meetingSession.audioVideo.stopLocalVideoTile();

// After
// This will auto trigger stopLocalVideoTile during meeting
await meetingSession.audioVideo.stopVideoInput();

Updates to the audio output API

We've changed chooseAudioOutputDevice to chooseAudioOutput to follow the naming convention in the input APIs.

const audioOutputDeviceInfo = // An array item from meetingSession.audioVideo.listAudioOutputDevices;

// Before
await meetingSession.audioVideo.chooseAudioOutputDevice(audioOutputDeviceInfo.deviceId);

// After
await meetingSession.audioVideo.chooseAudioOutput(audioOutputDeviceInfo.deviceId);

Updates to the video preview APIs

In v3, startVideoPreviewForVideoInput and stopVideoPreviewForVideoInput do not affect a video input published by startVideoInput (chooseVideoInputDevice in v2) anymore.

const videoInputDeviceInfo = // An array item from meetingSession.audioVideo.listVideoInputDevices;
await meetingSession.audioVideo.startVideoInput(videoInputDeviceInfo.deviceId);

const previewElement = document.getElementById('video-preview');


// In v3, stopVideoPreviewForVideoInput does not implicitly stop the video published by startVideoInput.
// You should call stopVideoInput if you want to stop sending a video stream.
await meetingSession.audioVideo.stopVideoInput();

Updates to the video input quality API

In v3, we've removed the maxBandwidthKbps parameter from chooseVideoInputQuality because it's not related to the video input device.

Instead, you can set the ideal video maximum bandwidth using setVideoMaxBandwidthKbps.

// Before
meetingSession.audioVideo.chooseVideoInputQuality(960, 540, 15, 1000);

// After
meetingSession.audioVideo.chooseVideoInputQuality(960, 540, 15);

Removing synthesize video API

In v3, we've removed synthesizeVideoDevice and createEmptyVideoDevice APIs. They are now available in our meeting demo.


Remove AWS global object from MessagingSessionConfiguration.ts

MessagingSessionConfiguration used to require to pass in the AWS global object for sigV4 signing which does not work for aws-sdk v3. Starting with Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript V3, you no longer have to pass in the global AWS object.

// Before
this.configuration = new MessagingSessionConfiguration(this.userArn, this.sessionId, undefined, chime, AWS);

// After
this.configuration = new MessagingSessionConfiguration(this.userArn, this.sessionId, undefined, chime);

Update messagingSession.start to return Promise<void> instead of void

In aws-sdk v3, region and credentials can be async function. In order to support aws-sdk v3, we update the start API to async.

// Before

// After
await messagingSession.start();

Meeting Status Code

The following meeting status code have been deprecated in v2.x and are now removed in v3.x, if your applications handle them please remove.

  • AudioDisconnectAudio
  • AudioCallEnded
  • TURNMeetingEnded
  • StateMachineTransitionFailed
  • AudioDeviceSwitched

AudioVideo events

We have removed below AudioVideo events in v3.

  • videoSendHealthDidChange
  • videoSendBandwidthDidChange
  • videoReceiveBandwidthDidChange
  • videoNotReceivingEnoughData
  • estimatedDownlinkBandwidthLessThanRequired

estimatedDownlinkBandwidthLessThanRequired and videoNotReceivingEnoughData can not be replicated anymore but you can make use of priority-based downlink to manage videos instead.

  // Before
const observer = {
  videoSendHealthDidChange: (bitrateKbps, packetsPerSecond) => {
    console.log(`Sending video bitrate in kilobits per second: ${videoUpstreamBitrate} and ${videoUpstreamPacketPerSecond}`);
  videoSendBandwidthDidChange: (newBandwidthKbps, oldBandwidthKbps) => {
    console.log(`Sending bandwidth is ${availableSendBandwidth}, nack count per second is ${nackCountPerSecond}, and old bandwidth is ${this.oldSendBandwidth}`);
  videoReceiveBandwidthDidChange: (newBandwidthKbps, oldBandwidthKbps) => {
    console.log(`Receiving bandwidth is ${availableRecvBandwidth}, and old bandwidth is ${this.oldRecvBandwidth}`);
// After
const observer = {
  oldSendBandwidthKbs: 0,
  oldRecvBandwidthKbs: 0,
  metricsDidReceive: (clientMetricReport) => {
    const metricReport = clientMetricReport.getObservableMetrics();

    const {
    } = metricReport;
    const availableSendBandwidthKbs = metricReport.availableOutgoingBitrate / 1000;
    const availableRecvBandwidthKbs = metricReport.availableIncomingBitrate / 1000;

    // videoSendHealthDidChange
    console.log(`Sending video bitrate in kilobits per second: ${videoUpstreamBitrate / 1000} and sending packets per second: ${videoPacketSentPerSecond}`);

    // videoSendBandwidthDidChange
    if (this.oldSendBandwidthKbs != availableSendBandwidthKbs) {
      console.log(`Sending bandwidth is ${availableSendBandwidthKbs}, nack count per second is ${nackCountPerSecond}, and old bandwidth is ${this.oldSendBandwidthKbs}`);
      this.oldSendBandwidthKbs = availableSendBandwidthKbs;

    // videoReceiveBandwidthDidChange
    if (this.oldRecvBandwidthKbs != availableRecvBandwidthKbs) {
      console.log(`Receiving bandwidth is ${availableRecvBandwidthKbs}, and old bandwidth is ${this.oldRecvBandwidthKbs}`);
      this.oldRecvBandwidthKbs = availableRecvBandwidthKbs;


MeetingSessionPOSTLogger to POSTLogger

We have renamed MeetingSessionPOSTLogger to POSTLogger and removed the MeetingSessionConfiguration dependency. You don't need to pass the MeetingSessionConfiguration object to the POSTLogger constructor anymore.

// You need responses from server-side Chime API. See below for details.
const meetingResponse = // The response from the CreateMeeting API action.
const attendeeResponse = // The response from the CreateAttendee API action.

// Before
const meetingSessionConfiguration = new MeetingSessionConfiguration(meetingResponse, attendeeResponse);
const meetingSessionPOSTLogger = new MeetingSessionPOSTLogger(

// After
const logger = new POSTLogger({
  url: 'URL TO POST LOGS',

You can create a POSTLogger object with headers, logLevel, metadata, and other options. See the POSTLoggerOptions documentation for more information.

const logger = new POSTLogger({
  url: 'URL TO POST LOGS',
  // Add "headers" to each HTTP POST request.
  headers: {
    'Chime-Bearer': 'authentication-token'
  logLevel: LogLevel.INFO,
  // Add "metadata" to each HTTP POST request body.
  metadata: {
    appName: 'Your app name',
    meetingId: meetingResponse.Meeting.MeetingId,
    attendeeId: attendeeResponse.Attendee.AttendeeId,

// You can also set new metadata after initializing POSTLogger.
// For example, you can set metadata after receiving API responses from your server application.
logger.metadata = {
  appName: 'Your app name',
  meetingId: meetingResponse.Meeting.MeetingId,
  attendeeId: attendeeResponse.Attendee.AttendeeId,

Event Controller

We have de-coupled the EventController from AudioVideoController. Check below for the new changes and if updates are needed for your implementation.

Update implementation of custom EventController

interface EventController {
  // Adds an observer for event published to this controller.
  addObserver(observer: EventObserver): void;

  // Removes an observer for event published to this controller.
  removeObserver(observer: EventObserver): void;

  // EventReporter that the EventController uses to send events to the Amazon Chime backend.
  readonly eventReporter?: EventReporter;

  // pushMeetingState has been deprecated

Update creation of EventController.

The DefaultMeetingSession constructor no longer takes in a EventReporter and instead optionally takes in an EventController or creates one if none is given.

const configuration = new MeetingSessionConfiguration(…);
const logger = new ConsoleLogger(…);
const eventReporter = new EventReporter(...)

// Before
this.meetingSession = new DefaultMeetingSession(configuration, logger, ..., eventReporter);

// After
const eventController = new DefaultEventController(configuration, logger, eventReporter)
this.meetingSession = new DefaultMeetingSession(configuration, logger, ..., eventController);

Update eventDidReceive observer

The eventDidReceive function that was part of AudioVideoObserver has been moved to EventObserver which is an observer that the EventController now handles. Because of this if you were to call eventDidReceive through forEachObserver on AudioVideoController this functionality will no longer be possible in 3.x, however you will still be able to call eventDidReceive by using the publishEvent method on EventController. If you have a use case not covered by this method you can implement your own EventController or make a feature request.

WebRTC Metrics


The DefaultStatsCollector used a hybrid approach to obtain WebRTC stats from browser:


The legacy (non-promise-based) getStats API will be removed and standardized (promise-based) getStats API will be used for all browsers.

SDK exposed some common WebRTC metrics publicly via the metricsDidReceive event. We did not make any change to metricsDidReceive itself. However In V3, the legacy WebRTC metric specs will be removed or replaced by equivalent standardized metrics. Here is a table that summarizes all the changes and offers the steps to migrate.

No. MetricSpec SpecName Migration Step Details
1 observableMetricSpec audioSpeakerDelayMs None Before: googCurrentDelayMs

Now: jitterBufferMs = (Current.jitterBufferDelay - Previous.jitterBufferDelay) / (Current.jitterBufferEmittedCount - Previous.jitterBufferEmittedCount) * 1000
2 observableMetricSpec audioDecoderLoss None Before: googDecodingCTN

Now: decoderLoss = (Current.concealedSamples - Previous.concealedSamples) / (Current.totalSamplesReceived - Previous.totalSamplesReceived) * 100
3 observableMetricSpec googNackCountReceivedPerSecond This spec is removed, use nackCount instead
4 observableMetricSpec availableSendBandwidth This spec is removed, use availableOutgoingBitrate instead
5 observableMetricSpec availableReceiveBandwidth This spec is removed, use availableIncomingBitrate instead
6 observableVideoMetricSpec videoUpstreamGoogFrameHeight This spec is removed, use videoUpstreamFrameHeight instead
7 observableVideoMetricSpec videoUpstreamGoogFrameWidth This spec is removed, use videoUpstreamFrameWidth instead.
8 observableVideoMetricSpec videoDownstreamGoogFrameHeight This spec is removed, use videoDownstreamFrameHeight instead
9 observableVideoMetricSpec videoDownstreamGoogFrameWidth This spec is removed, use videoDownstreamFrameWidth instead

Get raw RTCStatsReport

We add a new rtcStatsReport property to DefaultClientMetricReport to store raw RTCStatsReport and expose it via metricsDidReceive(clientMetricReport: ClientMetricReport) event. You can get the rtcStatsReport via clientMetricReport.getRTCStatsReport(). These metrics are updated every second.


Note: The getRTCPeerConnectionStats() is on its way to be deprecated. Please use the new API clientMetricReport.getRTCStatsReport() returned by metricsDidReceive(clientMetricReport) callback instead.

const report: RTCStatsReport = await audioVideo.getRTCPeerConnectionStats();


It's recommended to use this one. It can also improve the performance a bit as now you don't need to explicitly call getStats API again.

const observer = {
  metricsDidReceive(clientMetricReport: ClientMetricReport): void {
    const report: RTCStatsReport = clientMetricReport.getRTCStatsReport();

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