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Namespace PriorityBased_Downlink_Policy


Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript allows builders to choose a downlink policy on each device when joining a meeting. Downlink policies control the way how a recipient subscribes to the remote video sources. This document explains how to use the VideoPriorityBasedPolicy introduced in version 2.8, how it differs from the default behavior, and how builders can take advantage of it to meet their use cases.

Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript defines VideoPriorityBasedPolicy as the central class providing the ability to request remote video sources to receive and set their respective priorities. The policy ensures bandwidth is reserved for video sources with higher priorities. This policy can be used in conjunction with clients sending simulcast renditions of sources, as well as single stream or mixed environments. All browsers are supported.

The existing AllHighestVideoBandwidthPolicy automatically subscribes to a fixed number of available remote video sources. VideoPriorityBasedPolicy relies on builders subscribing to AudioVideoObserver.remoteVideoSourcesDidChange to receive updates on available remote sources, and then calling chooseRemoteVideoSources to set which video sources to receive and their related preferences. Note that when using VideoPriorityBasePolicy, if builders do not call chooseRemoteVideoSources, no videos will be subscribed to. videoTileDidUpdate will then be called if we are able to successfully subscribe to the stream.

It is recommended to enable simulcast or SVC to fully take advantage of the network adaptation capabilities, and to avoid the need to fully pause videos unless under extreme network conditions. When simulcast is in use, VideoPriorityBasedPolicy may lower the resolution of remote video sources in response to network constraints, starting with the lowest priority sources. All video sources are separated into multiple groups by different priorities. If all video sources within same priority group are at the lowest resolution possible, or simulcast is not being used, the policy may further pause video tiles until the network has recovered. Same operations will be repeated group by group, from priority lowest to highest.

If you want to keep the last frame of the video stream when paused due to insufficient bandwidth, please set MeetingSessionConfiguration.keepLastFrameWhenPaused to true.

A typical workflow to use this policy would be:

  1. When creating meetingSession.configuration, construct and set a VideoPriorityBasedPolicy object as thevideoDownlinkBandwidthPolicy
  2. Monitor callbacks on AudioVideoObserver.remoteVideoSourcesDidChange to receive updates on available sources.
  3. Update VideoPreference for each video stream and then call chooseRemoteVideoSources
  4. Repeat step 2 as needed to update the desired receiving set of remote sources and their priorities, either due to changes indicated by AudioVideoObserver.remoteVideoSourcesDidChange or other application events (like switching the current page of videos).

Note that applications still need to handle videoTileDidUpdate just as done without the policy. Detailed usage and explanation can be found below.

APIs and Usage


When initializing the meeting, builders can specify the usage of the VideoPriorityBasedPolicy by allocating the policy in the application and passing it in through the MeetingSessionConfiguration when the meeting session is started.

Notification of current available remote sources

Once you are connected to the meeting, builders will be notified of available remote video sources via the existing remoteVideoSourcesDidChange callback.

Priority and max size for each remote stream

VideoPreference is used to contain the priority and size of remote video sources and content share to be received. There are three fields inside the VideoPreference, you could find more info for each field below.

  • attendeeId: The attendee ID this video tile belongs to. Note that screen share video will have a suffix of #content
  • priority: Provides relative priority of this attendee from 1 to x, where 1 is the highest priority. Remote videos are allowed to have the same priority signifying equal priority between them.
  • targetSize: Optional parameter to control maximum simulcast layer to receive.

The default preference set the same priority 1 for all attendees.

Configuring the receipt and priority of remote video sources

The main API being used is:

chooseRemoteVideoSources(sources: VideoPreference[]): void

An array of VideoPreference is passed in to specify preference for each remote video. When calling this function:

  • You must pass a complete array of VideoPreference objects each time you call chooseRemoteVideoSources. Each call overrides the behavior defined by any previous call. The AudioVideoController will unsubscribe from any existing video streams associated with attendee IDs that are not present in the new array. Do not modify the provided array after calling this function; for efficiency, the policy object does not clone the array.
  • Including a remote video stream in this list does not guarantee that the video will be received. If there is insufficient bandwidth then the lowest priority video(s) will be paused and the client will be notified.
  • A video tile will be created for all requested video streams. If there is insufficient bandwidth to receive the video then the policy will pause it and provide notification with a reason.
  • Content share is treated as another video stream**:** Builders will need to specify content video and its priority as well. It will not be auto subscribed to anymore when using priority based downlink policy.
  • Any newly added remote videos (e.g. a new VideoPreference was added to the list) to the list will result in a videoTileDidUpdate event, and any removed remote videos (e.g. a VideoPreference was removed from the list, or an attendee left the meeting) will trigger a videoTileWasRemoved event.
  • Any preferences entries associated with attendee IDs that are paused by the application or no longer available in the call will be ignored until unpaused.
  • The policy may limit how often it updates the list of actual streams it subscribes to.

Receiving notifications that a remote video was paused due to bandwidth constraint

If a remote video source is paused due to insufficient bandwidth, then the application will be notified through tileWillBePausedByDownlinkPolicy by VideoDownlinkObserver and the VideoTileState will be set to paused.

Builder Code Sample

Below, we are going to show one potential use case, “featured video”, that can be built on top of this policy. A video tile can be featured by clicking a “Pin” button on it and its priority will be set to 1 whereas the rest unpinned tiles are set to 2 by default. The pinned tile will be displayed in a larger size and will not be paused/downgraded (if simulcast uplink policy being enabled on the remote side) until all of the rest are when encountering network constraint.

First create an instance of VideoPriorityBasedPolicy that you will share with the meeting session. Then create a meeting session configuration and set videoDownlinkBandwidthPolicy to that created policy.

// `meetingLogger: Logger` created elsewhere
const priorityBasedDownlinkPolicy = new VideoPriorityBasedPolicy(meetingLogger);
// `configuration: MeetingSessionConfiguration` created elsewhere
configuration.videoDownlinkBandwidthPolicy = priorityBasedDownlinkPolicy;

Once connected to the meeting, we can an observer on remoteVideoSourcesDidChange and keep track of if which clients in the roster list are publishing video.

  // Assumes we are storing roster in a member variable like `roster: any = {};`
  remoteVideoSourcesDidChange(videoSources: VideoSource[]) {
    // Reset current hasVideo flag in roster list
    for (const attendeeId in this.roster) {
      this.roster[attendeeId].hasVideo = false;
    // Update hasVideo flag based on latest data
    for(const source of videoSources) {
      if (this.roster.hasOwnProperty(source.attendee.attendeeId)) {
        this.roster[source.attendee.attendeeId].hasVideo = true;
    // Update downlink policy preferences accordingly
    // We will create this function below

We can then add a pin button to our application, and wire it up to change the priority of the respective video. Update the tile button click callback to set or unset the pin status.

    pinButtonElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
      // Get the attendeeID associated with this tile
      const attendeeId = tileState.boundAttendeeId;
      // Change pin state
      this.roster[attendeeId].pinned = !this.roster[attendeeId].pinned;
      // Update label
      pauseButtonElement.innerText =
        (this.roster[attendeeId].pinned) ? 'Unpin' : 'Pin';
      // Update downlink policy to reflect pin/unpin change

We can then write updateDownlinkPreference which is shared by the above two snippets. This logic simply sets featured tiles to priority 1 and all others to priority 2. This will ensure featured tiles are requested first at the highest resolution allowed by bandwidth and other participants are requested as bandwidth allows. To store the VideoPreference objects we use VideoPreferences, a set like data structure that allows efficient modification of an existing list while only copying when necessary.

  updateDownlinkPreference(): void {
    const videoPreferences = VideoPreferences.prepare();
    for (const attendeeId in this.roster) {
      if (this.roster[attendeeId].hasVideo) {
        // Make pinned videos of equal high importance and the rest as secondary
        if (this.roster[attendeeId].pinned) {
          videoPreferences.add(new VideoPreference(attendeeId, 1, TargetDisplaySize.High));
        } else {
          videoPreferences.add(new VideoPreference(attendeeId, 2, TargetDisplaySize.Low));

chooseRemoteVideoSources will trigger the remote selection logic based on the priority settings of each video tile then update the tile management accordingly. These steps are taken care of by the Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript code.

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