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copilot pipeline override

$ copilot pipeline override

What does it do?

Scaffold Infrastructure as Code (IaC) extension files for a pipeline. The generated files allow you to extend and override the Copilot-generated AWS CloudFormation template. You can edit the files to change existing resource properties, and delete or add new resources to an environment's template.

Learn more

To learn more, check out the guides for overriding with YAML Patches and the AWS Cloud Development Kit.

What are the flags?

  -a, --app string            Name of the application.
      --cdk-language string   Optional. The Cloud Development Kit language. (default "typescript")
  -h, --help                  Help for override
  -n, --name string           Name of the pipeline.
      --skip-resources        Optional. Skip asking for which resources to override and generate empty IaC extension files.
      --tool string           Infrastructure as Code tool to override a template.
                              Must be one of: "cdk" or "yamlpatch".


Create a new Cloud Development Kit application to override the "myrepo-main" pipeline template.

$ copilot pipeline override -n myrepo-main --tool cdk

What does it look like?
