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secret init

$ copilot secret init

What does it do?

copilot secret init creates or updates secrets as SecureString parameters in SSM Parameter Store for your application.

A secret can have different values in each of your existing environments, and is accessible by your services or jobs from the same application and environment.

What are the flags?

  -a, --app string              Name of the application.
      --cli-input-yaml string   Optional. A YAML file in which the secret values are specified.
                                Mutually exclusive with the -n, --name and --values flags.
  -h, --help                    help for init
  -n, --name string             The name of the secret.
                                Mutually exclusive with the --cli-input-yaml flag.
      --overwrite               Optional. Whether to overwrite an existing secret.
      --values stringToString   Values of the secret in each environment. Specified as <environment>=<value> separated by commas.
                                Mutually exclusive with the --cli-input-yaml flag. (default [])

How can I use it?

Create a secret with prompts. You will be prompted for the name of the secret, and its values in each of your existing environments.

$ copilot secret init

Create a secret named db_password in multiple environments. You will be prompted for the db_password's values you want for each of your existing environments.

$ copilot secret init --name db_password
Create secrets from input.yml. For the format of the YAML file, please see below.
$ copilot secret init --cli-input-yaml input.yml


It is recommended that you specify your secret's values through our prompts (e.g. by running copilot secret init --name) or from an input file by using the --cli-input-yaml flag. While the --values flag is a convenient way to specify secret values, your input may appear in your shell history as plaintext.

What's next?

Copilot will create SSM parameters named /copilot/<app name>/<env name>/secrets/<secret name>. Using the parameter names, you can then modify the secrets section in your service's or job's manifest to reference the secrets that were created.

For example, suppose you have an application my-app, and you've created a secret db_host in your prod and dev environments. You can modify your service's manifest as follows:

        DB_PASSWORD: /copilot/my-app/prod/secrets/db_password
        DB_PASSWORD: /copilot/my-app/dev/secrets/db_password

Once you deploy this updated manifest, your service or job will be able to access the environment variable DB_PASSWORD. It will have the value of the SSM parameter /copilot/my-app/prod/secrets/db_password if the service/job is deployed in a prod environment, and /copilot/my-app/dev/secrets/db_password if it's deployed in a dev environment.

This works because ECS Agent will resolve the SSM parameter when it starts up your task, and set the environment variable for you.

How do I use the --cli-input-yaml flag?

You can specify multiple secrets and their values in each of your existing environments in a file. Then you can use the file as the input to --cli-input-yaml flag. Copilot will read from the file and create or update the secrets accordingly.

The YAML file should be formatted as follows:

<secret A>:
  <env 1>: <the value of secret A in env 1>
  <env 2>: <the value of secret A in env 2>
  <env 3>: <the value of secret A in env 3>
<secret B>:
  <env 1>: <the value of secret B in env 1>
  <env 2>: <the value of secret B in env 2>

Here is an example input file that creates secrets db_host and db_password in dev, test and prod, and notification_email in dev and test environments. Note that notification_email won't be created for the prod environment since it doesn't have a value for prod.

  dev: dev-db-pwd
  test: test-db-pwd
  prod: prod-db-pwd