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Internal Application Load Balancers

By default, the ALBs created for environments with Load Balanced Web Services are internet-facing. To create an internal load balancer whose nodes have only private IP addresses, you'll need to configure a few things in your environment and workload.


The internal load balancer is an environment-level resource, to be shared among other permitted services. To enable HTTPS for your load balancer, modify the environment manifest to import the ARNs of your existing certificates.

If there are no certificates applied to the load balancer, Copilot will associate the load balancer with the http://{env name}.{app name}.internal endpoint and the individual services are reachable at http://{service name}.{env name}.{app name}.internal.

// To reach the "api" service behind the internal load balancer
endpoint := fmt.Sprintf("http://api.%s.%s.internal", os.Getenv("COPILOT_ENVIRONMENT_NAME"), os.Getenv("COPILOT_APPLICATION_NAME"))
resp, err := http.Get(endpoint)


The only service type that you can place behind an internal load balancer is a Backend Service. To tell Copilot to generate an internal ALB in the environment in which you deploy this service, add the http field to your Backend Service's workload manifest:

# in copilot/{service name}/manifest.yml
  path: '/'
    placement: private
If you have an existing internal ALB in the VPC to which your service will be deployed, you may import it per Backend Service by specifying it in your manifest before deployment:
  path: '/'
  alb: [name or ARN]

Advanced Configuration

Subnet Placement

You can specify exactly which private subnets your internal ALB is placed in.

When you run copilot env init, use the --internal-alb-subnets flag to pass in the IDs of the subnets in which you'd like the ALB to be placed.

Aliases, Health Checks, and More

The http field for Backend Services has all the subfields and capabilities that Load Balanced Web Services's http field has.

  path: '/'
    path: '/_healthcheck'
    port: 8080
    success_codes: '200,301'
    healthy_threshold: 3
    unhealthy_threshold: 2
    interval: 15s
    timeout: 10s
    grace_period: 45s
  deregistration_delay: 5s
  stickiness: false
  allowed_source_ips: [""]

For alias, you may 1. bring your own existing private hosted zone(s), or 2. add your own alias record(s) after deployment, independently of Copilot. You may add a single alias:

  hosted_zone: HostedZoneID1
or multiple aliases that share a hosted zone:
  alias: ["", ""]
  hosted_zone: HostedZoneID1
or multiple aliases, some of which use the top-level hosted zone:
  hosted_zone: HostedZoneID1
    - name:
    - name:
    - name:
      hosted_zone: HostedZoneID2