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Simplify the management of multiple packages within a polyglot monorepo

The monorepo submodule provides several projen project types in either Typescript, Python or Java that can configure a NX monorepo to manage all your packages. When used, these project types enable polyglot builds, declarative dependency management, build caching, dependency visualization and other features.

The AWS PDK itself uses the monorepo submodule and is a good reference for seeing how to set up a complex, polyglot monorepo.

How does it work?

The construct will set up your root project to function as a Monorepo using NX, and manage all of the NX configuration for you by default. Depending on the language you decide to bootstrap your project with, a projenrc file in your preferred language allows you to add new sub-packages to your project to be managed by NX.

The default structure of your project will be created with the following key files as shown:

node_modules/   -- installed dependencies
nx.json         -- nx configuration (this file is managed by projen)
package.json    -- dependency declarations (this file is managed by projen)
.projenrc.ts    -- where your packages are defined
yarn.lock       -- pinned dependencies
node_modules          -- needed as NX is deployed via npm
nx.json               -- nx configuration (this file is managed by projen)
package.json          -- nx dependency declaration (do not delete)
pnpm-lock.yaml        -- pinned nx dependency declaration (do not delete)
pyproject.toml        -- declared pypi dependencies (this file is managed by projen)


For Python projects, the PDK enforces Poetry as the package manager in order for certain pieces of functionality to work.

node_modules          -- needed as NX is deployed via npm
nx.json               -- nx configuration (this file is managed by projen)
package.json          -- nx dependency declaration (do not delete)
pnpm-lock.yaml        -- pinned nx dependency declaration (do not delete)
pom.xml               -- declared maven dependencies (this file is managed by projen)
    java/   -- where your packages are defined


For non-ts monorepos, yarn is still used as a package manager at the root level in order for homogenous typescript -> typescript dependencies to work. For example, when you have a python monorepo with two typescript based projects that depend on each other.

Getting started

This section describes how to get started with the monorepo construct. For more information, refer to the developer guides for particular features of this construct.

Create your monorepo project

To get started, run the following command in an empty directory to create your Monorepo project:

npx projen new --from @aws/pdk monorepo-ts

This will bootstrap your project given the above structure and contain the .projenrc.ts file with your project definition which should contain the following:

import { MonorepoTsProject } from "@aws/pdk/monorepo";
const project = new MonorepoTsProject({
  defaultReleaseBranch: "main",
  name: "ts-bootstrap",
  projenrcTs: true,
npx projen new --from @aws/pdk monorepo-java

This will bootstrap your project given the above structure and contain the file with your project definition which should contain the following:


public class projenrc {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MonorepoJavaProject project = new MonorepoJavaProject(MonorepoJavaOptions.builder()
npx projen new --from @aws/pdk monorepo-py

This will bootstrap your project given the above structure and contain the file with your project definition which should contain the following:

from aws_pdk.monorepo import MonorepoPythonProject

project = MonorepoPythonProject(



You can remove @aws/pdk/monorepo from dev_deps as this is incorrectly added by Projen due to a bug in their bootstrapping process.


You can also pass in options parameters into the npx projen new command. For example, if you want to bootstrap a typescript monorepo with PNPM as the default package manager you could do: npx projen new --from @aws/pdk monorepo-ts --package-manager=pnpm. You can pass all the attributes available within the construct as options in a kebab-case format.

Synthesizing your project(s)

Whenever you make a change to the projenrc file, you will need to re-synthesize your project by running npx projen from the root directory. This will re-generate any projen managed files i.e: nx.json, eslint, etc.

For more information, refer to synthesis.

Last update: 2025-03-20