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Type Safe WebSocket APIs include clients generated from your model, which can be used to send messages to the server or listen for messages from the server. These can be configured by passing libraries to your TypeSafeWebSocketApiProject.

If you configure WebSocketLibrary.TYPESCRIPT_WEBSOCKET_CLIENT, a TypeScript client is generated. This client can be used in a Node runtime, or a web browser.

Configuring Clients

Clients must be configured with the WebSocketApi URL, which can be found in CDK in the defaultStage.url property. Clients can also be configured with an authentication strategy. When clients are instantiated, they initiate a WebSocket connection with the server, and will automatically reconnect if disconnected.

import { DefaultApiWebSocketClient } from "myapi-typescript-websocket-client";

const client = await DefaultApiWebSocketClient.connect({
  url: `wss://your.websocket.api.url`,
  // Optional authentication strategy, choose from none, iam or custom
  authentication: {
    iam: {
      region: "us-west-2", // <- use your WebSocket API region
      credentials: () => { ... }// <- function to return AWS Credentials.


The @aws-sdk/credential-providers package contains several useful credential providers that can be used for iam.credentials, including fromNodeProviderChain() which is the default used for AWS SDK clients.


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Custom Authentication

You can use a custom authentication strategy if you would like to authenticate using a JWT or Cognito token, or some other mechanism. This provides a hook for you to add credentials to the URL used to connect to the WebSocket.

import { DefaultApiWebSocketClient } from "myapi-typescript-websocket-client";

const client = await DefaultApiWebSocketClient.connect({
  url: `wss://your.websocket.api.url`,
  authentication: {
    custom: async ({ url }) => ({ url: `${url}?myJwtToken=${await getMyJwtCredentials()}` }),


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Sending Messages

The client includes type-safe methods for sending messages on the WebSocket according to your API model. A method is generated for every client_to_server and bidirectional operation. If the WebSocket is connected, the client will immediately send the message on the WebSocket this method is invoked. If the WebSocket connection was dropped and the client is reconnecting, the message will be queued and sent when the connection has been re-established.

For example, if a client_to_server operation named SayHello is defined in your model, you can invoke it as follows:

import { DefaultApiWebSocketClient } from "myapi-typescript-websocket-client";

const client = await DefaultApiWebSocketClient.connect(...);

// Send the message to the server. The method is the same as the operation name defined in your model.
await client.sayHello({ name: "Jack" });


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Listening to Messages

The client includes type-safe methods for registering listeners to each server_to_client and bidirectional operation. The listener will be invoked whenever a message is received from the server for that operation. These follow the naming convention on<OperationName>.

For example, if a server_to_client operation named SendGreeting is defined in your model, you can listen to messages as follows:

import { DefaultApiWebSocketClient } from "myapi-typescript-websocket-client";

const client = await DefaultApiWebSocketClient.connect(...);

// Listen to greetings. A function is returned which can be used to remove the listener.
const unlistenToGreetings = await client.onSendGreeting((input) => {
  // Input is typed according to your model
  console.log(`Received greeting ${input.greeting}`);

// Invoke the returned unlisten function to remove the listener


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A common pattern is for clients to choose to subscribe to messages from a server based on some criteria, which the client provides the server as it initiates a subscription. WebSocket connections can sometimes hang up, due to timeouts or transient issues. In these cases, clients must re-subscribe once the connection has been re-established such that the messages it desires are sent from the server on the new connection. You can use the $withReconnect method to register a callback which is invoked immediately as well as re-invoked whenever the WebSocket reconnects.

For example, if the model defines a client_to_server operation named SubscribeToNotifications which tells the server it would like to listen to notifications on a given topic, and the model defines a server_to_client operation named SendNotification for the server to send notifications to the client, usage may look as follows:

import { DefaultApiWebSocketClient } from "myapi-typescript-websocket-client";

const client = await DefaultApiWebSocketClient.connect(...);

// Subscribe to notifications for the "foo" topic
const unlistenToReconnect = client.$withReconnect(async () => {
  await client.subscribeToNotifications({ topic: "foo" });
// Listen to notifications
const unlistenToNotifications = client.onSendNotification((input) => {
  console.log(`Received notification ${input.message}`);

// Invoke the returned unlisten functions to remove the listeners when finished


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Note that server-side, you will need to implement any subscription business logic, for example storing the connection ID and the provided topic in DynamoDB to be loaded whenever a notification should be sent from the server to clients.


You can register listeners for any errors using the $onError method. Registered error listeners will, for example, be invoked when a message is sent which does not conform to the model, and the WebSocket API's validation fails.

import { DefaultApiWebSocketClient } from "myapi-typescript-websocket-client";

const client = await DefaultApiWebSocketClient.connect(...);

// Listen for errors
const unlistenToErrors = client.$onError(({ message }) => {
  console.error(`Received error: ${message}`);

// Invoke the returned unlisten function to remove the listener when finished


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Last update: 2025-02-18