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I get random build failures in CodePipeline even though my project builds on my dev machine


[yarn run v1.22.19
[$ npx projen build
build » pre-compile | rm -rf lib
build » compile | tsc —build
Task "build » compile" failed when executing "tsc —build" (cwd: /codebuild/output/src728343998/src/packages/myPackage)

First, add --verbose to your package’s compileTask to see what is the error. You may see a little bit more:

[yarn run v1.22.19
[$ npx projen build
build » pre-compile | rm -rf lib
build » compile | tsc —build —verbose
3:18:29 AM - Projects in this build:
3:18:30 AM - Project 'tsconfig.json' is out of date because output file 'lib/index.js' does not exist # <-- this is something new
3:18:30 AM - Building project '/codebuild/output/src728343998/src/packages/myPackage/tsconfig.json'...
Task "build » compile" failed when executing "tsc —build —verbose" (cwd: /codebuild/output/src728343998/src/packages/myPackage)

Possible solutions

  1. Try to run yarn eslint and see if that was the problem. If you have changes in the repo, push it to monorepo.

  2. Try to upsize the pipeline’s codeBuild build environment. The default environment has only 3GB of RAM and 2vCPUs which may not be sufficient to handle large projects:

const this.pipeline = new PDKPipeline(this, "AppPipeline", {
  codeBuildDefaults: {
    buildEnvironment: {
      computeType: ComputeType.LARGE, // or MEDIUM or X2_LARGE

After the change, deploy your pipeline manually because self-mutation won’t be in effect until the code builds.

Last update: 2025-02-19