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The jsii tool wraps the standard TypeScript compiler, applies the TypeScript restrictions, producing additional diagnostic messages as necessary.



This section discusses the main options of jsii only. There may be additional options not mentioned on this page, which can learn about using jsii --help.


The --watch option behaves similar to that of the standard TypeScript compiler. It will make jsii listen to file changes within the project, and recompile whenever a source file has changed (including producing diagnostic messages, and a new .jsii assembly file as needed).

This option is useful when iterating on your code, as it provides a faster feedback loop than periodically manually re-compiling.


When --project-references is specified, jsii will generate a tsconfig.json file that includes references to any other local jsii project present in the dependency closure of the current one.

This option is recommended for any project that is part of a mono-repository, where multiple jsii packages are being maintained. It can result in improved build times, and a better IDE experience.


The --fail-on-warnings option causes compilation top fail if any warning diagnostic is emitted. This setting is recommended for users who want to ensure the best possible experience for developers using their library in all supported languages, as it will prevent inadvertent use of one of those languages' reserved words in an identifier.


Setting this option might occasionally cause compilation to fail when performing a minor version upgrade to jsii; in particular when support for a new language is introduced (as this may introduce additional reserved words, too).

This situation will be improved in the future, as jsii will offer an option to only warn about reserved words of languages that are configured for the current project.

🧪 Experimental Features


The features discussed in this section are experimental. Their behavior may change as bugs are addressed, and requirements are clarified through early adopters. Use at your own risk, and don't forget to report bugs you encounter while doing so!

--tsconfig, --validate-tsconfig (available from jsii >= 5.2)

By default, jsii will generate a tsconfig.json for you, using best practice settings that are optimized for widespread support and backwards compatibility. In some situations it can be useful to provide a custom typescript configuration file to compile the jsii project.

Use the --tsconfig option to provide a path the config file, usually this will be --tsconfig=tsconfig.json.

A user-provider typescript config must follow certain rules to be a valid config for use with jsii. These rules are enforced by the --validate-tsconfig option. You may choose the level of validation to suit your use case.

Rule set Description
strict ⭐ (Default) Validates the provided config against a strict rule set designed for widespread support and backwards-compatibility.
generated Enforces a tsconfig as if it were generated by jsii. Use this to stay compatible with the generated config, but have full ownership over the file.
minimal ⚠ Only reject options that are known to be incompatible with jsii. This rule set is likely to be incomplete and new rules will be added without notice as incompatibilities are discovered.
off ⚠ Disables all config validation, including options that are known to be incompatible with jsii. Intended for experimentation only. Use at your own risk.

⭐ Recommended setting\ ⚠ Resulting jsii assembly/package may be incompatible with wider ecosystem

There is currently no easy way to inspect these rule sets, however detailed error messages are returned if a provided tsconfig fails validation.


The --strip-deprecated option modifies the compilation flow such that all declarations (types, members) documented with the @deprecated tag will be erased from the visible API of the module:

  • They will be removed from the TypeScript declarations (.d.ts) files
  • They will be removed from the .jsii assembly file
  • Inheritance chains of non-@deprecated types will have their @deprecated bases transitively replaced with non-@deprecated bases thereof (or if there are no such parents, the inheritance relationship will simply be erased)
  • Errors will be reported for each remaining use of a @deprecated type in the API (this includes property types, method parameter types, and method return types)

However, in order to ensure the underlying code continues to work as designed, the implementation of such declarations will remain in the JavaScript (.js) files produced by the compilation. This is, in fact, similar to marking all @deprecated members @internal.

Additionally, a file name can be passed to the --strip-deprecated option to limit the above behavior to a specific set of allow-listed fully-qualified names. Each line in the file should contain a single fully-qualified name of a declaration that should be stripped. All @deprecated elements not present in the allow list will be retained. An example allowlist file might look like:



The --add-deprecated-warnings flag modifies the implementation of all declarations (types, members) documented with the @deprecated flag such that, when the deprecated declaration is used by a dependent, a warning is printed to the console at runtime.

This is specifically useful to notify users of a jsii module that they are using deprecated elements and code updates are required.

Additionally, the environment variable JSII_DEPRECATED can be set to error or quiet to either fail at runtime or silence these warnings, respectively. By default, this is set to warn.

The JSII_DEPRECATED environment variable is respected only on modules compiled with the --add-deprecated-warnings flag.