agc project init

agc project init

Initialize current directory with a new empty AGC project for a particular workflow type.


Initialize current directory with a new empty AGC project for a particular workflow type. Project specification file ‘agc-project.yaml’ will be created in the current directory.

agc project init project_name --workflow-type {cwl|nextflow|snakemake|wdl} [flags]


Initialize a new project named "myProject".
/code $ agc project init myProject --workflow-type my_workflow_type


  -h, --help                   help for init
  -w, --workflow-type string   uses the specified workflow type for the default context. Valid values include [cwl nextflow snakemake wdl]

Options inherited from parent commands

      --format string   Format option for output. Valid options are: text, table, json
      --silent          Suppresses all diagnostic information.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose diagnostic information.