
nlb Map
The nlb section contains parameters related to integrating your service with a Network Load Balancer.

The Network Load Balancer is enabled only if you specify the nlb field. Note that for a Load-Balanced Web Service, at least one of Application Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer must be enabled.

nlb.port String
Required. The port and protocol for the Network Load Balancer to listen on.

Accepted protocols include tcp, udp and tls. If the protocol is not specified, tcp is used by default. For example:

  port: 80
will listen on port 80 for tcp requests. This is the same as
  port: 80/tcp

You can easily enable TLS termination. For example:

  port: 443/tls

nlb.healthcheck Map
Specify the health check configuration for your Network Load Balancer.

    port: 80
    healthy_threshold: 3
    unhealthy_threshold: 2
    interval: 15s
    timeout: 10s

nlb.healthcheck.port String
The port that the health check requests are sent to. Specify this if your health check should be performed on a different port than the container target port.

nlb.healthcheck.healthy_threshold Integer
The number of consecutive health check successes required before considering an unhealthy target healthy. The default is 3. Range: 2-10.

nlb.healthcheck.unhealthy_threshold Integer
The number of consecutive health check failures required before considering a target unhealthy. The default is 3. Range: 2-10.

nlb.healthcheck.grace_period Duration
The amount of time to ignore failing target group healthchecks on container start. The default is 60s. This can be useful to fix deployment issues for containers which take a while to become healthy and begin listening for incoming connections, or to speed up deployment of containers guaranteed to start quickly.


Per the docs at the time of this writing, 'unhealthy threshold' is required to be equal to 'healthy threshold' for a Network Load Balancer.

nlb.healthcheck.interval Duration
The approximate amount of time, in seconds, between health checks of an individual target. The value can be 10s or 30s. The default is 30s.

nlb.healthcheck.timeout Duration
The amount of time, in seconds, during which no response from a target means a failed health check. The default is 10s.

nlb.target_container String
A sidecar container that takes the place of a service container.

nlb.target_port Integer
The container port that receives traffic. Specify this field if the container port is different from nlb.port, the listener port.

nlb.ssl_policy String
The security policy that defines which protocols and ciphers are supported. To learn more, see this doc.

nlb.stickiness Boolean
Indicates whether sticky sessions are enabled.

nlb.alias String or Array of Strings
Domain aliases for your service.

# String version.
# Alteratively, as an array of strings.
  alias: ["", ""]
nlb.additional_listeners Array of Maps
Configure multiple NLB listeners.

nlb.additional_listeners Map

nlb.additional_listeners.port String
Required. The additional port and protocol for the Network Load Balancer to listen on.

Accepted protocols include tcp, udp and tls. If the protocol is not specified, tcp is used by default.

nlb.additional_listeners.healthcheck Map
Specify the health check configuration for your additional listener on the Network Load Balancer.

    - healthcheck:
        port: 80
        healthy_threshold: 3
        unhealthy_threshold: 2
        interval: 15s
        timeout: 10s

nlb.additional_listeners.healthcheck.port String
The port that the health check requests are sent to. Specify this if your health check should be performed on a different port than the container target port.

nlb.additional_listeners.healthcheck.healthy_threshold Integer
The number of consecutive health check successes required before considering an unhealthy target healthy. The default is 3. Range: 2-10.

nlb.additional_listeners.healthcheck.unhealthy_threshold Integer
The number of consecutive health check failures required before considering a target unhealthy. The default is 3. Range: 2-10.

nlb.additional_listeners.healthcheck.interval Duration
The approximate amount of time, in seconds, between health checks of an individual target. The value can be 10s or 30s. The default is 30s.

nlb.additional_listeners.healthcheck.timeout Duration
The amount of time, in seconds, during which no response from a target means a failed health check. The default is 10s.

nlb.additional_listeners.target_container String
A sidecar container that takes the place of a service container.

nlb.additional_listeners.target_port Integer
The container port that receives traffic. Specify this field if the container port is different from nlb.port, the listener port.

nlb.additional_listeners.ssl_policy String
The security policy that defines which protocols and ciphers are supported. To learn more, see this doc.

nlb.additional_listeners.stickiness Boolean
Indicates whether sticky sessions are enabled.